What do you do when your ex turns your child against you?

What do you do when your ex turns your child against you?

You should also contact your attorney to let them know that you suspect parental alienation so that they can address your suspicions through legal avenues. If you are comfortable, you could also discuss your concerns about parental alienation with your child's other parent.

Why is my ex reaching out to my family?

3 Reasons Why Your Ex Still Talks To Your Family Contacting your family could be a way to indirectly relay messages to you. If you're no contact, they could be feeling regret or uncertainty. Perhaps they're trying to reach out in hopes of rekindling the relationship. They're playing games.

What to do when the other parent is bad mouthing you?

Try and have a calm, cordial conversation as you ask them to stop saying mean-spirited things about you to your kids. If the person doing the badmouthing is a relative of your co-parent, you may want to start by talking to your co-parent about this first so that they are aware that this is going on as well.

Is an ex wife still considered family?

Even after the legal dissolution and remarriage, ex-spouses who have children together will always be those children's parents. Parenting decisions have to be made, schools and extracurriculars have to be chosen, homework has to be monitored and transferred between houses.