How long does it take to get an uncontested divorce in GA?

How long does it take to get an uncontested divorce in GA?

60 days

Do you have to go to court for a divorce in Georgia?

To start, only a qualified Georgia family law attorney has the legal authority to submit a Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings. In other words, if you are not working with a divorce lawyer, then you will be required to go to court to finalize your divorce.

How long do divorce cases last?

A survey by found that the average time it took to complete a divorce from filing a petition to getting a final court judgment averaged about 11 months. Cases that went to trial took an average of almost 18 months to resolve.

Why drag out a divorce?

Someone may be delaying the divorce and dragging it out as being a form of punishment or payback to their ex, to benefit financially, to attempt to financially drain the other party, to delay ending a marriage, or some other agenda.

Should I file for divorce or let her?

One of the main legal advantages that a person gains by filing the divorce petition before his or her spouse does is that the filer can request a Standing Order from the court when filing the petition. This can be important if the spouse filing divorce suspects that the other spouse will attempt to hide assets.