How is child support calculated in Tennessee?

How is child support calculated in Tennessee?

Tennessee Child Support Calculations Child support is calculated using Tennessee state guidelines that focus on the income of both parents (as reflected on an income worksheet) and the time that each parent spends with the child. If a parent pays support for other children, this could reduce any amount paid.

What is the maximum amount of child support in Tennessee?

around $180,000 per year

How do I stop child support in Tennessee?

There is no way to get out of paying Tennessee child support so long as a parent has the legal status of a parent, the child is not emancipated, the child is under the age of 18 or has not yet graduated from high school with his or her senior class.

At what age does child support stop in TN?


Does child support come out of TN unemployment?

If you become unemployed, you will be legally required to pay your child support payments. If you are paying child support and lose your job, you will need to act quickly and file a petition with the court to have your payments modified. Payments can be deducted from temporary unemployment wages.