Can you file for bankruptcy and divorce at the same time?

Can you file for bankruptcy and divorce at the same time?

You can file legal motions at the same time, but in most jurisdictions one case will take precedence over the other. If both cases are pending simultaneously, bankruptcy is typically suspended until the divorce court apportions marital debts and assets to each party.

Should I file Chapter 7 before or after divorce?

If your bankruptcy is a simple Chapter 7 bankruptcy, then filing it before your divorce may be the best option. Since Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be filed and complete in just several months, there’s no reason you and your spouse can’t file jointly, discharge your debts, then divorce afterwards.

How much does a bankruptcy lawyer cost in Washington state?

The cost of a bankruptcy lawyer in Washington state can range between $1,100 and $1,500. While many bankruptcy attorneys will offer an initial free consultation, it is also important to note that most bankruptcy attorneys will require all of the costs to be paid in advance of filing your case.

How long does it take to rebuild credit after Chapter 7?

Answer: While the task may seem daunting, it’s absolutely possible to rebuild your credit score following a bankruptcy. In fact, when handled properly, many people can achieve a credit score of 700 or more within two years.

Where do I file bankruptcy in Washington state?

To actually file, either you or your attorney, will need to file a two-page petition and several other forms at your Washington district bankruptcy court.

How do I file bankruptcy in DC?

How to File Bankruptcy in Washington, District Of Columbia for FreeCollect Your Documents. Take Credit Counseling. Complete the Bankruptcy Forms. Get Your Filing Fee. Print Your Bankruptcy Forms and Bring them To Court. Go to Court to File Your Forms. Mail Documents to Your Trustee. Take Bankruptcy Course 2.