Can I get a restraining order on my ex wife?

Can I get a restraining order on my ex wife?

If you and your ex still have details of the relationship to sort, getting a restraining order can escalate things. For example, you might need to file for divorce. Instead of coming to an amicable agreement, your ex could use his anger and try to get the best of you in the divorce.

What does ATRO mean?

Automatic Temporary Restraining Order

What is a TRO?

A temporary restraining order (TRO) is a legal document issued by a judge before trial that forces or prevents an action for a specified time frame.

What is the difference between an injunction and restraining order?

Limited in their duration and effect, “restraining orders” are distinguished from the more lasting form of court intervention called an “Injunction.” Generally, restraining orders are sought as a form of immediate relief while a plaintiff pursues a permanent injunction.

How much does it cost to get a restraining order in Texas?

There is no fee to apply for a Protective Order. There are 3 main types of Protective Orders: Type How long does it last?

What are grounds for a restraining order in Texas?

Restraining orders can be written to protect you or your property if you have sued someone and you are afraid they will cause you harm. In the event of divorce, the court may create a restraining order to ensure that one or both spouses maintain a certain conduct while the divorce is pending.