Does it matter who files for divorce first in Arkansas?

Does it matter who files for divorce first in Arkansas?

In Arkansas, a petition must first be filed with the court in order to begin divorce proceedings. If the matter is uncontested, you and your spouse can reach a documented divorce agreement, where you and a witness of your choosing will appear in court to have the matter finalized.

How does adultery affect divorce in Arkansas?

The Arkansas Code specifically provides that adultery is a \u201cgrounds,\u201d or basis, for divorce. This applies to regular civil marriages as well as \u201ccovenant marriages\u201d (which are identical to other civil marriages except that the couple has undergone special premarital counseling).

How long does it take for a divorce to be final in Arkansas?

30 days

Is irreconcilable differences grounds for divorce in Arkansas?

\u201cIrreconcilable differences\u201d is a common reason for divorces in no-fault states. Arkansas is one of very few states that require proof that a spouse is at fault for the end of the marriage. All other divorce filings must state a fault, such as: Intolerable behavior (referred to as general indignities)

Can you get a divorce in Arkansas without a lawyer?

Requirements for an Uncontested Divorce in Arkansas. To file for an uncontested divorce in Arkansas, at least one spouse must have lived in the state for at least 60 days. Arkansas allows no-fault divorce, which courts define as living separately for 18 months voluntarily.

Is adultery a felony in Arkansas?

Under Arkansas law, a divorcing couple must choose at least one of the following grounds for divorce: Adultery. Impotence. A spouse’s felony conviction or conviction of a serious crime.

Can you sue for alienation of affection in Arkansas?

Arkansas: No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.

Is cheating considered adultery?

Adultery isn’t just a crime in the eyes of your spouse. In 21 states, cheating in a marriage is against the law, punishable by a fine or even jail time. States with anti-cheating laws generally define adultery as a married person having sexual intercourse with someone other than their spouse.

Can you date while separated in Arkansas?

Once the court finalizes your divorce, you or your spouse can remarry or start dating. Because Arkansas is a fault state for divorce, dating before the divorce is finalized can give the other side grounds for divorce.

How long after divorce can you remarry in Arkansas?

State waiting times for remarriage after divorceTo remarry after divorceTo apply for a marriage licenseAlabama60 daysNo restrictionsAlaskaNo restrictions3 business daysArizonaNo restrictionsNo restrictionsArkansasNo restrictionsNo restrictions47 more rows•

Is cohabitation illegal in Arkansas?

In today’s decision, the Arkansas Supreme Court said that there is no “blanket ban” against cohabitation and that whether such a restriction should be imposed on a parent must be based on the circumstances of each particular case and in light of the best interest of the children.