Can I work while on unemployment in Illinois?

Can I work while on unemployment in Illinois?

You are allowed to earn up to 50% of your weekly benefits amount from any job that is part-time, either permanent or temporary. Your benefits will be reduced if you earn more than 50% of your weekly benefits. For example, if your weekly benefit amount is $300, you may earn up to $150 per week from your part-time job.

How is partial unemployment calculated in Illinois?

If employee is reduced to half hours during the week, and is thus earning $500 that week, the formula is: 50% of WBA = $235.

Why is WBA potential $0?

Your estimated weekly benefit amount is $0 because you did not earn enough during your base period to qualify for Unemployment Insurance benefits. For more information, visit Meeting Eligibility Requirements. This amount is just an estimate.

What day does unemployment pay in Illinois?

You should receive your payment and/or other response within 10 working days after filing your certification. Tele-Serve allows you to get information about your benefits whether you certify by Internet, mail or by phone. When calling for payment information, telephone filers should allow one business day after filing.

Can part time workers get unemployment in Illinois?

To be eligible for unemployment benefits, you must have a “last chargeable employer.” In simple terms, this means you must have worked for an employer to whom the claim will be attributed. It does not matter if you were a part-time or full-time employee.

How do I know if my unemployment claim was approved in Illinois?

After you’ve submitted an application, you’ll get a letter in the mail telling you if you’ve been approved, how much you’re eligible to receive, a debit card (unless you opted for direct deposit) and a certification date. Don’t forget to certify.

How do you get unemployment in Illinois?

Contact IDES

  1. Unemployment insurance claim questions: (800) 244-5631.
  2. Complaints/allegations regarding unemployment insurance fraud: (800) 814-0513. If you are a victim of fraud, click here.
  3. MyTax Illinois/Employer Hotline questions: (800) 247-4984.
  4. Illinois Job Link questions: (877) 342-7533.