Do you call a general sir?

Do you call a general sir?

As a general rule, “Sir”/”Ma’am” is used in speaking either officially or socially to any senior. The word is repeated with each complete statement. “Yes” and “No” should always be accompanied with “Sir”/”Ma’am”. All NCOs will be addressed as “Sergeant” with the exception of the First Sergeant and Sergeant Major.

When should you call someone sir?

Traditionally, as governed by law and custom, Sir is used for men titled knights i.e. of orders of chivalry, and later also to baronets, and other offices. As the female equivalent for knighthood is damehood, the suo jure female equivalent term is typically Dame.

Why sir is not used in USA?

Here in the states, the word “Sir” is more of a social term that usually touches upon how the deliverer perceives the person they are saying it to. So when someone uses the connotation of “sir” (as in, “Hello, sir”), we perceive it in a formal way, which is not what we are used to unless we are in a certain setting.

Is it OK to say ma am?

Ma’am is somewhat outdated honourific and a contraction of madame. It is a sign of respect and should never cause offence. It is usually reserved for older or married women and today may not be in common usage, depending on where you live. I expect you are correct in thinking it makes a person feel old.

Can you say yes sir to a girl?

It’s perfectly acceptable to address a superior female officer as Sir. “Sir, yes sir!” “Whatever biotch.”

What Ma Am means?


Is Yes ma’am polite?

What does yes ma’am mean? Yes ma’am is a polite way of affirming something an older or superior woman has said, often used to show sass or excitement in response to something more generally.

Is Ma am a southern thing?

The important thing to understand is the regional difference in the way people think about the use of “ma’am” and “sir.” Their use is more prevalent in the South and Midwest and, of course, in the military.

Is it disrespectful to call a woman ma am?

It is not rude to call a woman ma’am, but it can be ego-bruising. Ma’am is short for madam and is the proper way to address a married female, or a widow, regardless of age. Miss is short for Mistress or Missus, and is the proper way to address an unmarried female of any age.

Is it rude to say ladies?

It is a statement about her character, and a complimentary one. Of course, any compliment may be used as an insult if said sarcastically, or to a person to whom the compliment would not apply, such as a gentleman. However, in ordinary usage, to call a woman a lady is not only not rude, but it is complimentary.

Can guys be used for females?

“The word ‘guys’ can be used to mean both men and women — but not for everybody.” For women in male-dominated industries particularly, “guys” can reinforce their sense of being in the minority.

Why do we say ladies first?

The phrase “ladies first” has its origins in the view that women are fragile and delicate, needing special protections. This is one reason that women are among the first to be evacuated in dangerous situations.

Who orders first man or woman?

First things first. Ordering your food abides by that basic rule you’ve probably already been told since you were a kid: women order first. When the server takes orders, they’ll most likely go from oldest female to youngest, and then on to the men.

Why do we say ladies and gentlemen?

“Ladies and gentlemen” is a common way to address a group of people, particularly in a formal, public setting. Long seen as a standard and polite—if not old-fashioned—way to address a group, its day has come and gone.

Who created ladies first?


What does being a lady mean?

Being a lady, what we believe, simply means having etiquette, self-respect, class and appreciation (so maybe more people aspire to be a lady although they don’t know the full meaning of it). You know how to act in all situations and enjoy the different aspects of life.

What’s the difference between a woman and a lady?

“Lady” can be used to refer to someone of higher or lower social rank. When it’s spelled with a capital letter, it is the title of a woman with the equivalent rank of a Lord, or a woman who is married to a Lord. As “just a word”, though, it usually refers to somebody who is of a different social rank from yours.