How many miles is 8 hours driving?

How many miles is 8 hours driving?

480 miles

How much should you drive a day on a road trip?

Most people should drive between 8 and 12 hours per day on a road trip. You may decide to stop every 2 or 3 hours to stretch and get more gas. You may need to drive 12 hours if you have a short travel schedule. However, if you get drowsy or stiff while driving, you should strive to only drive up to 8 hours per day.

Is diesel or gas RV better?

Fuel Efficiency When comparing a diesel vs. gas motorhome, diesel motorhomes are much more fuel efficient. That is partly because diesel fuel has a greater energy value than gasoline does. Its higher energy density means that diesel fuel can offer up to 10 percent better fuel economy by volume.

What are the pros and cons of owning an RV?

Pros and Cons of RV Ownership

  • RVs do require regular maintenance — which can be expensive and time-consuming.
  • It’s easy to spend a small fortune on RV accessories!
  • Storing your RV might be easier said than done.
  • RVing will totally change your travel lifestyle — and you’ll probably do more of it as a result.

What is the best month to buy a motorhome?

During October and November, sales nosedive, leading to some pretty good discounts. December and January are even slower, making them the best months for RV shopping. Things are still fairly slow in February too, but tend to pick back up sometime in March.

Should I buy new or used RV?

At first glance, it does look like buying a new RV is always more expensive than buying a used RV or travel trailer. That being said, in general, you can save a lot of money by buying a used RV or travel trailer instead of buying a new one or waiting for the end of the season for a sale to come around.

How much can you negotiate on an RV?

For some RVs, you may be able to receive a discount of 20% to 30% or sometimes even more off of the sticker price depending on the circumstances. For others, you may not be able to receive more than just a few thousand dollars off. It’s all about supply and demand.

What state is the cheapest to buy an RV?


What is the best state to buy an RV?

The best states to buy an RV are Arizona, Texas, and Florida at the start of summer. That’s because many people RV for a bit and then move to houses in these states to retire, creating a large supply of RVs for sale when it starts getting hot.

Is it cheaper to buy an RV from the manufacturer?

“In general, factory-direct allows offering lower prices to the consumer, [because] the manufacturer can take the dealer’s price out of the product and give that savings to the buyer,” said Patrick Dwyer, executive vice president of sales at custom motorhome builder Newell Coach. But there’s more to the savings.

Can an RV be your primary residence?

The IRS states that: “A home includes a house, condominium, cooperative, mobile home, house trailer, boat, or similar property that has sleeping, cooking, and toilet facilities.” As long as your city/state allows it, yes! You can claim your RV as your primary residence for tax purposes.

Can you live permanently in an RV?

RVs, and tiny houses, are perfectly safe for year-round living. It’s also possible to live permanently in a tiny house, camper, travel trailer, yurt, or other smaller structures deemed by the government to be “temporary”. So the local government says it’s illegal to live in an RV permanently. Even on your own land.

Which RV has the best resale value?

Jayco RVs