Is 1st Degree Assault bad?

Is 1st Degree Assault bad?

First-degree assault. This Class 3 felony involves both serious bodily injury and the use of a deadly weapon. Tried in district court with a DA prosecutor, first-degree assault carries a mandatory 10 to 32 years in prison.

What is worse 1st degree or 3rd?

Each degree is based on the severity of damage to the skin, with first-degree being the most minor and third-degree being the most severe. Damage includes: first-degree burns: red, nonblistered skin. second-degree burns: blisters and some thickening of the skin.

What is the degree of 6 polynomial?


Is 6x a polynomial?

By now, you should be familiar with variables and exponents, and you may have dealt with expressions like 3×4 or 6x. Polynomials are sums of these “variables and exponents” expressions.

How many zeros are there for the polynomial string?

Linear Polynomials have only 1 zero, whereas quadratic and cubic polynomials have 2 and 3 zeroes respectively.

What does a polynomial of degree 3 mean?

Third degree polynomials are also known as cubic polynomials. Cubics have these characteristics: One to three roots. Two or zero extrema. Four points or pieces of information are required to define a cubic polynomial function.

Why the polynomial has a degree 3 and not 4?

Answer Expert Verified The degree of a polynomial is the largest exponent of a variable. By definition, 3^4 isn’t considered as the degree since 3 isn’t a variable, unlike 8x^3, where “X” acts as the variable. That’s why the degree is 3, and not 4.

What is the degree of polynomial √ 3?

Answer. √3 is a polynomial of degree 0. Because it can be expressed as √3(x^0).

What is a polynomial with 3 terms called?

Finally, a trinomial is a polynomial that consists of exactly three terms.

Is 5x a polynomial?

5x, 4, y, and 5y4 are all examples of monomials. Binomials – These are polynomials that contain only two terms (“bi” means two.) Trinomials – These are polynomials that contain three terms (“tri” meaning three.) 2y+5x+1 and y-x+7 are examples of trinomials.

What is a 4 term polynomial called?


What is the formula for polynomials?

A polynomial is a function of the form f(x) = anxn + an−1xn−1 + + a2x2 + a1x + a0 . The degree of a polynomial is the highest power of x in its expression. Constant (non-zero) polynomials, linear polynomials, quadratics, cubics and quartics are polynomials of degree 0, 1, 2 , 3 and 4 respectively.

What are polynomials 5 examples?

Examples of Polynomials

Example Polynomial Explanation
5x +1 Since all of the variables have integer exponents that are positive this is a polynomial.
(x7 + 2×4 – 5) * 3x Since all of the variables have integer exponents that are positive this is a polynomial.
5x-2 +1 Not a polynomial because a term has a negative exponent

How do you solve polynomials examples?

Solve each factor that was set equal to zero by getting the x on one side and the answer on the other side.

  1. Example 1 – Solve: 3×3 = 12x.
  2. Example 2 – Solve: x3 + 5×2 = 9x + 45.
  3. Example 3 – Solve: 6×3 – 16x = 4×2
  4. Example 4 – Solve: 3×2(3x + 4) = 12x(x + 3)
  5. Example 5 – Solve: 16×4 = 49×2