What does it mean to marry someone off?

What does it mean to marry someone off?

to make certain that someone, especially a female member of your family, gets married, or that she marries the person you have chosen: She was married off to the local doctor by the age of 16.

Is Wifed a word?

Definitions for WIFED in dictionary: VERB (USED WITH OR WITHOUT OBJECT) [WIFED, WIF·ING.]: wive. NOUN [PLURAL WIVES]: a married woman, especially when considered in relation to her partner in marriage.

Is Wifed Scrabble word?

Scrabble Word WIFED WIFE, to marry a woman [v]

What does wif mean?


Acronym Definition
WIF Water in Fuel
WIF World Innovation Foundation (UK)
WIF Web Interactive Films
WIF World Investment Forum (UN Conference on Trade and Development)

What does take a whiff mean?

A very small amount of information, especially just enough to give someone an indication or inkling of something. Make sure you don’t let the boss get a whiff of what you’re trying to do, or you’ll get fired so fast your head will spin!

What is the nickname of wife?

Sweetie: Another well-known nickname for a wife, who is the sweetest person you’ve ever known.

What should I call my husband?

Calling your husband by his name is wonderful, but when you call him by a nickname that means something to both of you, it becomes a lot more intimate….Cute Husband Nicknames

  • Hero: Someone who saves the day.
  • Boo Boo: Baby talk, anyone?
  • Cutie Patootie:
  • Khiladi:
  • Goofy:
  • Padhaku:
  • Jelly:
  • Panda Bear:

Does Spouse mean boyfriend?

A husband or wife is a legally recognised relationship which requires state registration. In British English, “spouse” technically means a wife or husband, but is normally used the same way as “partner”, that is, to mean either a husband or a wife, or a long-term boyfriend or girlfriend or fiance.