Who is Byleth mom?

Who is Byleth mom?


Why is sothis in Byleth?

Over the course of Three Houses, we come to learn that Byleth carries the goddess Sothis within them as a result of Archbishop Rhea attempting to reawaken the goddess. Aelfric acts as a steward of sorts to the rabble living in the sewers, and Byleth can call on him anytime they wish to know more about their mother.

Why did Byleth get dizzy?

…and while her hair changed color for a different reason, maybe Sothis’s power is stressful for Blyeth, and causes him to become dizzy.

Do you have to kill Flayn?

User Info: vibrax. You can avoid killing Flayn and Seteth during their last fight by having the professor defeat them, they will teleport away and go into hiding, rather than if any of your other characters defeat them they will die.

Who do you lose if you side with Edelgard?

If you side with Edelgard, then you lose Flayn, Cyril, Catherine, Gilbert, & Seteth (at least, this was the case for me). If you side with the Church you only lose Edelgard & Hubert.

Why is Rhea evil?

The main argument suggesting Rhea is a villain is the fact that she never stops lying. She lies about the history of the crests and the Church, she lies about her actions constantly, she lies about Sitri’s fate, she lies to Byleth repeatedly, and more.

Who was Seteth’s wife?


Is sothis a divine dragon?

It is said Sothis came from another world entirely. The Agartheans call her “Fell Star”. And from Rhea, we can safely assume Sothis was a Divine Dragon. And her dragon form, although it looks kinda deformed, is reminiscent of Tiki’s original dragon form.

Why did nemesis kill sothis?

Nemesis killed Sothis and crafted the sword out her body. He did that because he wanted power and didn’t like being inferior to the goddess and her children.

How do you get S rank sothis?

Accepted Answer

  1. Easy – Before Final Battle you be asked to give someone a ring – You be able to choose from any character that you have A Rank and at the end of the list will be Sothis mark as “???” – Chose that one, beat the game and watch an extra scene with your sleepy cat…
  2. You do God’s work my good friend.

Is Rhea a Seiros?

Rhea is actually one of the Nabateans, the original children of the progenitor god Sothis. She is also Seiros herself, the saint who founded the Church of Seiros, defeated Nemesis, and helped found the Adrestian Empire.

Can you s support jeritza?

Other than this, there is no way to support with her traditionally. However, you can still chose to S-Rank with her and marry her before the final chapter of the game. Jeritza was initially a NPC when the game was released who’s only real interactions with the player character were through faculty training.

Can you recruit Rhea?

As the leader of the Central Church of Seiros and Archbishop of Garreg Mach Monastery, Lady Rhea cannot be recruited, but can show up as an ally in certain missions.

How does Rhea die?

Rhea dies regardless in the Golden Deer route, she only survives the Blue Lion route. She dies on the Church route if you dont S support her. We are now in the era of Spongebob: Get ready for Battle for Bikini Bottom remake.

Can you s rank Rhea?

Yes. You need to A Rank her before the timeskip. You will not be able to build support with her post timeskip. Though, you can only S support her in Silver Snow so it’s only worth building support with her if you plan on S ranking her.

How do you get Rhea S rank?

To get her at A support before the time skip, make sure to give her tons of flowers and do a lot of teacher training with her during explore. You can buy flower seeds on mass from the eastern/western merchant, and plant as many as you can and do the most expensive cultivation every time you explore.

Can you s rank Rhea in golden deer?

Yes only silver snow. I obtain a blue S support for (Byleth*Rhea) in my golden deer (chapter 11) run.

Is Rhea a playable character?

Even if Sothis can automatically get an S rank support with both Byleths, Rhea is the only non-playable character that can have a C-A support just by gifting her items, increasing weapon proficiency, and recently, having tea time with her.