What is the best public records search database?

What is the best public records search database?


What types of records are public?

Some common types of public records include birth records, death records, licensing records, court records, budgets, reports, statistical data, meeting minutes, and voting records.

Do lenders look at public records?

All lenders do a national public records search and even though public records are not posted on credit reports, they will find out about it through the public records data base.

Does TransUnion and Equifax share information?

How do I contact the other two credit reporting companies, Experian and Equifax? TransUnion does not share credit information with any other credit reporting company. To obtain your Experian or Equifax credit report, you must contact them directly.

What does derogatory public records mean?

A derogatory item is an entry that may be considered negative by lenders because it indicates risk and hurts your ability to qualify for credit or other services. Public records and collections are derogatory items because they reflect financial obligations that were not paid as agreed.

How do I get rid of derogatory public records?

First, get everything you need from the court. Then, send it with copies of your identification and, of course, your dispute letter. Send them via certified mail to each of the major credit bureaus. It will usually take a few weeks for your credit reports to show the changes.

How do I find derogatory public records on my credit report?

Check for delinquent payments under all your accounts, and then look for public records and accounts in collections. If you have a derogatory mark on your TransUnion credit report and it’s an error, you can file a dispute using Credit Karma’s free Direct Disputeā„¢ tool.