Are blogs a waste of time?

Are blogs a waste of time?

If you are aiming to be a hobby blogger and put out a blog just because you enjoy writing and want to share it with someone – no matter how many readers you might have – blogging definitely isn’t a waste of time! There are many benefits to having a blog as a hobby.

Are personal blogs dead?

Blogging is incredibly different now, but it’s not dead. There are niches, like fashion, that have largely shifted to other platforms, but there are other blogging niches that are still alive and well, like lifestyle and travel.

How can I earn from my blog?

What are the ways bloggers make money (Various Income streams)

  1. Ad Networks like AdSense,
  2. Direct Advertisements.
  3. Affiliate marketing.
  4. Native Advertising.
  5. Paid reviews/Sponsored posts.
  6. Sell Digital products (eBooks, Blueprints)
  7. Launch an Online Course.
  8. Offer Online consulting.

How often should I post on my blog?

We believe strongly that blogging with consistency is necessary for content marketing to work. Frequency really does matter. But, exactly how often should you blog? Publishing 2 – 4 times per week provides the highest results in terms of both traffic and conversions.

How long should a blog post be 2020?

A good benchmark is to write content that’s around 1,000 to 1,500 words. At a minimum, blog posts should have at least 300+ words so that they won’t be labelled as having ‘thin content’.

How long is too long for a blog?

A blog post should contain at least 300 words in order to rank well in the search engines. But long posts (1000 words or more) will rank more easily than short posts. CoSchedule found posts with around 2,500 words typically rank the best.

What is the best length for a blog?

2,400 words

How long is the average blog?

1142 words

What is the best day to publish a blog post?

The best publishing day is Saturday and time is 9 am EST. Want the most inbound links? The best publishing days are Monday and Thursday, and time is 7 am EST.

How many words should a blog be for SEO?

The optimal length of a blog post is between 1000 – 2000 words. Longer posts generally perform better in search. Posts that are more than 2000 words receive more social shares. The average word length for a blogpost found in the first 5 positions of Google was aprx1800 words.

What should I charge for a blog post?

You can expect to pay anywhere from 6 cents a word on the low end, to as much as $3. By the Post – Some bloggers charge a flat fee for every post, usually with an agreed upon minimum word count.