How do I get CFE certified?

How do I get CFE certified?

  1. Become a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
  2. Step 1 — Join the ACFE.
  3. Step 2 — Prepare for the CFE Exam. Choose one of the following methods to prepare for the CFE Exam:
  4. Step 3 — Apply for the CFE Exam.
  5. Step 4 — Pass the CFE Exam.
  6. Learn more about the CFE Exam.

What can I do with a CFE certification?

Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) Average by Job

  1. Job.
  2. Fraud Investigator.
  3. Senior Internal Auditor.
  4. Internal Auditing Manager.
  5. Internal Auditor.
  6. Internal Audit Director.
  7. Forensic Accountant.
  8. Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

How do I pass the CFE in 30 days?

To pass the CFE Exam in 30 days, you’ll need to study 15 hours per week. That might seem intimidating, but if you pick a study time and location, it will be much easier to study consistently.

Is the CFE exam proctored?

The ACFE offers numerous CFE Exam Review Courses throughout the year during which you can take your exam in a live proctored environment. If you are unable to attend one of these courses, contact the ACFE to discuss other options.

Is CFE exam open book?

The exam is CLOSED BOOK. The use of notes, CFE Exam Prep Course study questions or reference materials is not permitted while taking the CFE Exam.

How many hours is CFE exam?

Structure of the 2021 CFE Common Final Examination The CFE is 3 days in length: CFE Day 1: 4 hours in length. This will focus on being an extension of the Capstone 1 case.

Does CFE certification expire?

To maintain your CFE Credential, you are required to earn at least 20 hours of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) every 12-month period. If your membership expires you are not allowed to use the CFE credential.

What happens if you fail CFE 3 times?

Common Final Exam – ResultsHow many times can I attempt the CFE? You may attempt the CFE three times. A student will be deregistered after their third unsuccessful attempt at the CFE.

What is the passing score for CFE exam?


How much is the CFE exam?

The cost to take the CFE Exam is $450. If you purchased the CFE Exam Prep Course, a $100 credit on the cost of the CFE Exam fee will be applied, reducing the CFE Exam fee to $350.

Is the CFE exam multiple choice?

The Certified Fraud Examiner consists of multiple choice questions.

How do I clear my CFE exam?

Tips for Studying with the CFE Exam Prep Course The Prep Course includes review questions and practice exams. Each is organized by exam section. Complete each section by answering the review questions and then taking the practice exam. Study your strongest section first and then end studying your weakest.

What happens if you fail the CFE?

Candidates who are unsuccessful on the CFE can request a re-mark of their results on the sections on which they were unsuccessful for a fee, which will be refunded if the re-mark is successful. Candidates must request a re-mark through My CPA Portal before the deadline noted on the schedule.

How many exams are there in CFE?

The CFE exam consisting of 4 exam sections plus 1 free resit of an exam section at your choice.

How much does it cost to join the ACFE?

Demonstrate your knowledge and expertise? The cost is $399, a significant savings off the regular price. The year of membership included in the package will be effective once the exam is passed. To place your order call the ACFE at (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 or email

How do you write a CFE case?

The “Do’s” of Case Writing

  1. There are multiple requireds on a CFE – always respond to every required or you will lose AOs.
  2. Rank requireds, create a time budget and stick to it!
  3. Play your role – Keep in mind who “you are” and who you are writing to.
  4. Provide overall conclusions, especially when discussing alternatives.

What should I study for CPA?

5 CPA Exam Study Tips to Help You Pass the CPA Exam on Your First Try

  • Step 1: Use the Right Study Tools.
  • Step 2: A Steady Study Pace Wins Every Time.
  • Step 3: Use Online Review Courses Wisely.
  • Step 4: Don’t Second Guess Yourself.
  • Step 5: Carefully Read the Questions.

What are the 4 CPA exams?

All candidates must pass the Uniform CPA Examination ® (CPA Exam), which comprises four sections: Auditing and Attestation (AUD), Business Environment and Concepts (BEC), Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR), and Regulation (REG).

What is the hardest CPA exam?

Students often report that Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) is the most difficult part of the CPA Exam to pass, because it is the most comprehensive section.

How many times can you fail a CPA exam?

How many times can I retake the CPA exam? You can retake it as many times as you want, but you can only take each section once per testing window.