How do you make a legal caption in Word?

How do you make a legal caption in Word?

To create a caption such as this:

  1. Open a New Document.
  2. Type whaever information you normally put above your caption.
  3. Select Table > Insert > Table.
  4. In the dialog box, select 3 for the number of columns and 1 for the number of rows.
  5. You will now have a document with a table with 3 equal sized columns.

How do I remove pleading numbers in Word?

On the Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Line Numbers. Do one of the following: To remove line numbers from the entire document or section, click None. To remove line numbers from a single paragraph, click Suppress for Current Paragraph.

How do you delete numbers?

If the list is a numbered list, click on the Numbering tool located on the Home tab of the Ribbon, in the Paragraph group. Word displays a drop-down list. Choose None from the Numbering Library group. Word removes the numbering format from the selected text.

How do I turn off Numbering in Word?

Turn on or off automatic bullets or numbering

  1. Go to File > Options > Proofing.
  2. Select AutoCorrect Options, and then select the AutoFormat As You Type tab.
  3. Select or clear Automatic bulleted lists or Automatic numbered lists.
  4. Select OK.

How do I continue numbering in a table in Word?

Right-click the number in the first row of the second column and choose Set Numbering Value. In the resulting dialog, click the Continue From Previous List option and then check the Advance Value option and enter the next number in the sequence.

How do you add numbers to a table of contents?

Format or customize a table of contents

  1. Go to References > Table of Contents.
  2. Select Custom table of contents.
  3. Use the settings to show, hide, and align page numbers, add or change the tab leader, set formats, and specify how many levels of headings to show. For more info, see Custom table of contents .

How do you AutoFit a table in Word?

Resize a column or table automatically with AutoFit

  1. Select your table.
  2. On the Layout tab, in the Cell Size group, click AutoFit.
  3. Do one of the following. To adjust column width automatically, click AutoFit Contents. To adjust table width automatically, click AutoFit Window.

What should you do to know the number of cells in a table?

Number the cells in a table in Word

  1. Select the table cells that you want to number. To number the beginning of each row, select only the first column in the table by clicking the column’s top border.
  2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Numbering.

How do I count the number of cells with text?

To count the number of cells that contain text (i.e. not numbers, not errors, not blank), use the COUNTIF function and a wildcard. In the generic form of the formula (above), rng is a range of cells, and “*” is a wildcard matching any number of characters.

How will you select a cell?

Select cell contents in Excel

  1. Click on a cell to select it. Or use the keyboard to navigate to it and select it.
  2. To select a range, select a cell, then with the left mouse button pressed, drag over the other cells. Or use the Shift + arrow keys to select the range.
  3. To select non-adjacent cells and cell ranges, hold Ctrl and select the cells.

How do you count the number of cells?

Count Cells with Data — COUNTA

  1. Enter the sample data on your worksheet.
  2. In cell A7, enter a COUNTA formula, to count the numbers in column A: =COUNTA(A1:A5)
  3. Press the Enter key, to complete the formula.
  4. The result will be 4, the number of cells that contain data.

How do you AutoFit contents?

Adjust Table Columns in Word (Auto Fit)

  1. Click anywhere in the table.
  2. In “Table Tools” click the [Layout] tab > locate the “Cell Size” group and choose from of the following options: To fit the columns to the text (or page margins if cells are empty), click [AutoFit] > select “AutoFit Contents.”

How do I freeze a table in Word?

Click on the “Table” tab. Click the “Options” button. On the “Table Options” dialog box, in the “Options” section, click the “Automatically resize to fit contents” check box so there is NO check mark in the box. Click “OK”.

Why can’t I write above a table in Word?

Press “Enter” if the table is at the top of the document; press “Ctrl-Shift-Enter” if the table is at the top of a section. In either case, this creates a blank line directly above the table.

How do you unlock a table in Word?

Open the Word document from which you want to remove protection. Go to the “Review” tab of the ribbon. Click the “Restrict Editing” button in the “Protect” group. The “Restrict Formatting and Editing” task pane will open.

Can you lock cells in Word table?

Protecting cells in a Word table isn’t as easy, but it can be done: you insert a Text Form Field control into each cell where you want users to input or modify values. Then, you protect the document. Continue to select input cells and insert controls until you’re done. Click Restrict Editing in the Protect group.

How do I repeat a table header in Word?

Repeat table header on subsequent pages

  1. In the table, right-click in the row that you want to repeat, and then click Table Properties.
  2. In the Table Properties dialog box, on the Row tab, select the Repeat as header row at the top of each page check box.
  3. Select OK.

Why won’t my header rows repeat in Word?

Make sure that your long table is actually a single table. If it is not, then the header row won’t repeat because the table doesn’t really extend beyond a single page. The easiest way to determine if you are working with a single table vs. multiple tables is to click somewhere within the table.

Why does repeat header row not work in Word?

One of the problems they were having was that the header row on a table would NOT repeat, no matter how many times they turned on or off the setting. (NOTE: If the ‘Header Row Repeat’ option is already on, turn it off, then back on again — sometimes just doing this will solve the problem.

How do I freeze a header in Word?

Freeze Rows in Word Table

  1. Select rows which you would like to freeze their size in the table, right click and choose Table Properties.
  2. Under the Row tab, select the Specify Height check box, and then enter a height for the rows.
  3. Go to the Table tab and click Options, make sure the Automatically resize to fit contents check box is cleared.

Why is the header in Word grayed out?

When you are working in the header/footer, the document body is dimmed, and when the document layer is active, the header and footer are dimmed. This is meant to be a visual cue to the user.