How do you use festooned in a sentence?

How do you use festooned in a sentence?

Festooned in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The wedding gazebo was festooned with curvy strings of white roses.
  2. During the funeral procession, the hearse was festooned with the deceased’s favorite flowers.
  3. The wedding car is festooned with pink ribbons and aluminum cans.

How do you use inscrutable in a sentence?

1 He stood silent and inscrutable. 2 In public he remained inscrutable. 3 The inscrutable gaze of the palace guards made me a little nervous. 4 They were inscrutable, they kept their own counsel, and they were intelligent.

How do you use tendril in a sentence?

  1. Her hair hung in tendrils about her face.
  2. The plant’s tendrils curled up the stick.
  3. Tendrils of hair strayed to the edge of her pillow.
  4. He could feel the tendrils curling around his legs.
  5. The evening was misty and moist, with tendrils of thicker fog swirling around in the night air.

What are the example of tendrils?

Common examples of tendril-producing plants are the grape, members of the squash or melon family (Cucurbitaceae), the sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus), and the passionflowers (Passiflora species).

How do you use gratified in a sentence?

  1. We were gratified by the response to our appeal.
  2. He was gratified by Lucy’s response.
  3. Mr.
  4. It gratified me to know that she would soon be well again.
  5. His achievement gratified his.
  6. I was most gratified at/by/with the outcome of the meeting.
  7. It gratified me to hear of your success.

How do you use gentility in a sentence?

  1. The hotel had an air of discreet gentility.
  2. The hotel has an air of faded gentility.
  3. He took her hand with discreet gentility.
  4. She thinks expensive clothes are a mark of gentility.
  5. He thinks fine clothes are a mark of gentility.
  6. Generally speaking, though, suburban gentility has seeped across the map.

Is gentility a word?

noun. good breeding or refinement. affected or pretentious politeness or elegance. the status of belonging to polite society.

What does the word genteel mean?

1a : having an aristocratic quality or flavor : stylish. b : of or relating to the gentry or upper class a person of genteel upbringing. c : elegant or graceful in manner, appearance, or shape the genteel manners of an old southern gentleman. d : free from vulgarity or rudeness : polite.

How is gentility characterized?

gentility – elegance by virtue of fineness of manner and expression. breeding, genteelness. elegance – a refined quality of gracefulness and good taste; “she conveys an aura of elegance and gentility”

Is Genuinity a word?

This word is present in the Oxford Dictionary. Genuinity is not a right word and it is not available in Oxford Dictionary too. There is NO such word as Genuinity. Genuineness is the right word.

Does ignorant mean?

ignorant, illiterate, unlettered, untutored, unlearned mean not having knowledge. ignorant may imply a general condition or it may apply to lack of knowledge or awareness of a particular thing.

What does pride of place mean?

the highest

What do we mean by pride?

1 : a reasonable and justifiable feeling of being worthwhile : self-respect. 2 : a feeling of being better than others. 3 : a sense of pleasure that comes from some act or possession Parents take pride in their children’s progress. 4 : someone or something that makes someone proud That car is my pride and joy.

How do you use swan song in a sentence?

  1. Playing the piano to the swan song of life.
  2. Tomorrow will be their swan song.
  3. This book is believed to be his swan song.
  4. The Tempest was William Shakespeare’s swan song in 1612.
  5. And, the expression swan song has long been a part of the English language.

What does swan song mean in slang?

The swan song (ancient Greek: κύκνειον ᾆσμα; Latin: carmen cygni) is a metaphorical phrase for a final gesture, effort, or performance given just before death or retirement.

What does a swan song mean?

most beautifully before they die

Do swans really sing before they die?

Reality: Swans often do stay with their partners for life. But despite their name, mute swans are anything but silent. Their courtship “dance” is accompanied by a range of hissing and grunting sounds. The idea that swans only sing when they are dying, the so-called swan song, is a myth.

Do swans die of a broken heart?

According to Swan Lifeline, it has been known for swans to die of a broken heart if they lose their partners, as swans generally mate for life. Posting on Facebook, Michael Mason said: ‘Her mate left her on her own and sadly I was informed this morning she was found slumped in her nest dead.

What do you do if a swan attacks you?

Don’t fear attacking a swan to defend yourself, either. Sure, try not to encroach up on it when nesting, but if it does go for you at a speed that is faster than your own at withdrawing from the scene, give it a whack. It’s a bloody wild animal, not a child.

How long does a swan live?

12 years

Can Swans kill you?

Swans, geese and other large waterfowl are all capable of breaking every bone in your body and also causing you to be burned beyond recognition. They can do this to hundreds of people at once.

Does Swan drink milk?

Scientifically, swan is a bird which neither produces milk nor drinks milk. Swan is essentially herbivorous. At best it does extract milk from the stems of water plants and it has filters (lamellae) in its mouth to keep out dirt and mud while doing so.

Can swans eat carrots?

feed items that are close to their natural diet. dark green lettuce, spinach, chopped/shredded carrots, celery and alfalfa sprouts and other vegetables and greens make a great supplement. Note that lettuce may be an acquired taste and the swans may take a while to get used to it.

Can swans eat apples?

Swans LOVE APPLEs…… Cut Unpeeled Apples Cut into Quarters or Slices for Adult Swans.. Chopped for Cygnets. They can NOT Bite into a Whole Apple. If you have Apple Trees (Untreated) Toss a few Fallen Apples onto the Pond.