How do you use the word pursue?

How do you use the word pursue?

  1. [S] [T] She started pursuing him before he became famous. (
  2. [S] [T] Are you seriously thinking about pursuing a career as a race car driver? (
  3. [S] [T] The detectives pursued him. (
  4. [S] [T] They are pursuing the robber. (
  5. [S] [T] The police pursued the murderer. (
  6. [S] [T] Some people pursue only pleasure. (

When a person is followed and pursued online it is called?

Stalking. Stalking means to pursue to approach prey, quarry, etc. Phishing means a technique used to trick computer users into revealing personal or financial information. Hope it helps u!!!

Is Pursual a word?

noun. Pursuance; the action or fact of pursuing someone or something.

Are you pursuing meaning?

to follow in order to overtake, capture, kill, etc.; chase. to follow close upon; go with; attend: Bad luck pursued him. to strive to gain; seek to attain or accomplish (an end, object, purpose, etc.). to proceed in accordance with (a method, plan, etc.).

What is pursuing a degree?

It might be worth noting that pursuing a degree / diploma / course / etc. essentially refers to the process (of following / studying the course), rather than “chasing after” the end result (the certificate itself, or the *awarding of it upon successful completion). –

What is the meaning of see it through?

(see something through) to continue doing something until it is finished, especially something unpleasant or difficult. Having come this far, she was determined to see things through.

What is the difference between persue and pursue?

The main difference between Pursue and Persue is that the Pursue is a seek to attain or accomplish (a goal) over a long period and Persue is a obsolete form of pursue. To follow with harmful intent; to try to harm, to persecute, torment.

How do you spell purpose?

Spelling of purpose: purpose is spelled p-u-r-p-o-s-e. Not to be confused with propose. Definition of purpose: Purpose is both a noun and a verb. As a noun, purpose refers to (1) a goal, aim, or object toward which one strives to achieve, and (2) resolution or determination.

How do I spell pursue?

verb (used with object), pur·sued, pur·su·ing. to follow in order to overtake, capture, kill, etc.; chase. to follow close upon; go with; attend: Bad luck pursued him. to strive to gain; seek to attain or accomplish (an end, object, purpose, etc.).

How do I pursue God?

Here a few ways I can think of to actively pursue God.

  1. Read His Word. Start anywhere.
  2. Study His Word. Start at the beginning in Genesis and read through His word.
  3. Learn who He is.
  4. Talk to Him.
  5. Seek Him.
  6. Listen to Him.
  7. Ask others about Him.
  8. Get involved.

What does Per say mean?

Per se is a Latin phrase literally meaning “by itself.” It has the sense of “intrinsically,” or “in and of itself.” In everyday speech, it’s commonly used to distinguish between two related ideas, as in, “He’s not a sports fan per se, but he likes going to basketball games.”

What is an example of Inform?

To inform is defined as to tell, give knowledge or information. An example of to inform is someone telling a friend what time they’ll arrive. To disclose confidential or incriminating information to an authority. The defendant informed against the other members of the ring.

How do you use the word inform in a sentence?

Inform sentence example

  1. ” Inform the prince that I the bridge fired!” said the colonel triumphantly and gaily.
  2. Allow me to inform you…
  3. This time, Daniel Brennan was not available to inform us and it was just my bored web surfing that spotted the notice.

How do you write inform and explain?

Inform and Explain

  1. This is one of the easiest ways to teach students how to write to inform and explain. When they ask, “Do we have to write the question?” tell them the question should be included in the answer.
  2. The reader should know what the question was by the way you wrote your answer.

What is the meaning of problem?

A problem is a situation preventing something from being achieved. The word comes from a Greek word meaning an “obstacle” (something that is in your way). Someone who has a problem must find a way of solving it. The means of solving a problem is called a “solution”.

What are examples of problems?

The definition of a problem is something that has to be solved or an unpleasant or undesirable condition that needs to be corrected. An example of a problem is an algebra equation. An example of a problem is when it is raining and you don’t have an umbrella.

What is problem definition stage?

In policy analysis, the problem definition stage provides the structure and the direction of the investigation process inherent in this enterprise. Whereas the conceptualization of the policy analysis process may vary, literature unanimously presents problem definition as its first research step.

What is the problem process?

Problem solving is the act of defining a problem; determining the cause of the problem; identifying, prioritizing, and selecting alternatives for a solution; and implementing a solution. The problem-solving process.

What are the three stages of problem solving?

A few months ago, I produced a video describing this the three stages of the problem-solving cycle: Understand, Strategize, and Implement. That is, we must first understand the problem, then we think of strategies that might help solve the problem, and finally we implement those strategies and see where they lead us.