Is Ho Oponopono effective?

Is Ho Oponopono effective?

Ho’oponopono offers forgiveness, love, and harmony to fraught relationships and can bring relief and healing. It is a simple and effective medicine for the soul and it is worth trying so you can feel for yourself the transformative potential of four simple, short sentences.

What is the purpose of Ho Oponopono?

The beautiful Hawaiian Prayer for Forgiveness is called “Ho’oponopono” (pronounced HO-oh-Po-no-Po-no), and it’s lovely. This ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness functions as both a communication concept for reconciliation and a tool for restoring self-love and balance.

Where did Ho Oponopono originate?


Is Ho Oponopono real?

Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian word that has become well known worldwide. Unfortunately, as with many Hawaiian words, it is too often misrepresented, misinterpreted, misunderstood and exploited. The word does not mean ‘forgiveness’. It means to ‘set things right’ in a morally correct way.

How many states of mind are there in Ho Oponopono?

3 states

Is Dr Hew Len still alive?

Dr. Hew Len is fully retired. He had extensive experiences working with the developmentally disabled and the criminally mentally ill and their families.

What is Ceeport?

CEEPORT= Clean Erase Erase until you reach the PORT(Zero State-the state of pure potential). Below there is the essence of the hawaian practice: Ho’o ponopono.

How do you practice Ho Oponopono in four simple steps?

The practice of Ho’oponopono will do just that and the good news is that you can do it in just four easy steps.

  1. Step 1: Repentance – JUST SAY: I’M SORRY.
  2. Step 2: Ask Forgiveness – SAY: PLEASE FORGIVE ME.
  3. Step 3: Gratitude – SAY: THANK YOU.
  4. Step 4: Love – SAY: I LOVE YOU.

How do you use Ho Oponopono in a relationship?

The premise is that you use this healing “ho’oponopono,” which translates to “I Love You, I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You” as a method to solve disputes amongst family members, friends or romantic partners.

Who invented Ho Oponopono?

Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

What is the third state of mind?

‘Dysanaesthesia,’ A Third State Of Consciousness Between Wakefulness And Nonconsciousness. As researchers continue to plumb the depths of consciousness, new findings suggest the existence of a third known state of mind in which a medical patient hovers between the two known states.

How does your state of mind change if we maintain silence?

Answer: Keeping quiet will result in a mutual understanding among all human beings and understanding ourselves. If we keep quiet for a moment to introspect and cease our selfish and destructive actions, it will lead to our understanding ourselves and may change our attitude.