Is Pro Tem hyphenated?

Is Pro Tem hyphenated?

pro- Use a hyphen when combining with words to indicate “in favor of” or when followed by a proper name: pro-business, pro-labor, pro-war; pro-Canadian. Otherwise, no hyphen: proactive, pronoun. Latin terms are two words even when they precede what they modify: pro bono, pro forma, pro rata, pro tem.

What is the chain of command if the president dies?

If the President of the United States is incapacitated, dies, resigns, is for any reason unable to hold his/her office, or is removed from office, he/she will be replaced in the following order: Vice President. Speaker of the House. President Pro Tempore of the Senate.

Can you be too old to run for president of the United States?

In the United States, a person must be aged 35 or over to serve as president. To be a Senator, a person must be aged 30 or over. To be a Representative, a person must be aged 25 or older. This is specified in the U.S. Constitution.

How many electoral votes are in Alaska?

Current allocations

Alabama – 9 votes Kentucky – 8 votes North Dakota – 3 votes
Alaska – 3 votes Louisiana – 8 votes Ohio – 18 votes
Arizona – 11 votes Maine – 4 votes Oklahoma – 7 votes
Arkansas – 6 votes Maryland – 10 votes Oregon – 7 votes
California – 55 votes Massachusetts – 11 votes Pennsylvania – 20 votes

Do you have to be born in America to be a senator?

The president is constitutionally required to be natural born, but foreign–born senators need only nine years of U.S. citizenship to qualify for office. Constitutional qualifications to be a senator are specified in Article I, section 3.

Does a US congressman have to live in his district?

The Constitution requires that Members of the House be at least 25 years old, have been a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and live in the state they represent (though not necessarily the same district).

How do you get elected to Congress?

Members of Congress in both houses are elected by direct popular vote. Senators are elected via a statewide vote and representatives by voters in each congressional district. Congressional districts are apportioned to the states, once every ten years, based on population figures from the most recent nationwide census.