What are sanctioned activities?

What are sanctioned activities?

More Definitions of Sanctioned Activities Sanctioned Activities means any business or activity which might be designated as being subject to existing Sanctions by any Sanction Authority.

What are synonyms for approval?


  • acceptance.
  • accession.
  • approval.
  • assent.
  • compliance.
  • concurrence.
  • conformity.
  • consent.

What does approval mean?

: an act or instance of approving something : approbation The change is subject to the committee’s approval. on approval.

What is the opposite word of Approve?

What is the opposite of approve?

disallow veto
deny discourage
refuse disapprove
reject decline
dismiss ban

What is another word for not approved?

Similar words for not approved: illegal (adjective) other relevant words (adjective) outlawed (adjective) prohibited (adjective)

Is Unapprove a word?

Senior Member. The OED does not have “unapprove (v.)” either but it does have unapproved (adj.)..

What word means approval or admiration?

The root of the word admiration is admire, which means “to regard with wonder or approval.” People can receive admiration for many reasons, including their beauty, hard work, or intelligence. Often, there is a sense of gratitude or thanks when someone feels admiration.

How do you show admiration?

Here’s a list of 10 ways for you to show your admiration to your partner.

  1. I’m so glad I met you.
  2. I love how you take care of me.
  3. I feel lucky to be with you.
  4. You’re my favorite person.
  5. You’re a great parent.
  6. I admire your kindness.
  7. You have a great way with people/animals.
  8. I admire your patience.

How do you describe admiration?

The definition of an admiration is a person or thing being adored or loved. An example of an admiration is a talented Olympian. The sense of wonder, delight, and pleased approval inspired by anything fine, skillful, beautiful, etc. A feeling of strong approval or delight with regard to someone or something.

What does radiate mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) intransitive verb. 1 : to proceed in a direct line from or toward a center. 2 : to send out rays : shine brightly.

What does it mean when a man admires you?

To admire someone means to respect that person. We admire the person we are in love with, and we have a need for them to admire us, too. This self-perpetuating back and forth nourishes the relationship and helps propel each person to be their best self. There are several levels of admiration.

What does really matter when we choose to admire someone?

When you admire an individual, you respect him or her intimately. Admiration is a very personal matter. While you respect strangers, respect your elders, respect for the sake of respecting, admiring an individual is a much more personal matter. Especially when that admiration comes paired with romantic love.

Is it a crush or admiration?

You can completely admire a person and be in awe of their skills, talent or character without including an emotional or romantic inclination. A crush is when you are attracted to them physically or emotionally probably both. You have a romantic intentions towards them and hope to be exclusive with them.

What makes someone admirable?

An admirable person is literary someone you adore because of their qualities, how they carry themselves and their positive influence in the society. In our life, there are many people who excel in virtue and possess many admirable qualities such as optimism, knowledge and taking risks.