What did the Fairness Doctrine require quizlet?

What did the Fairness Doctrine require quizlet?

The fairness doctrine required that broadcast media must provide fair coverage of all candidates on TV and provide a variety of ideology, opinions, and stories. The equal time provision required that news outlets must provide the same amount of time coverage for all candidates.

What is the current status of the Fairness Doctrine quizlet?

Define the Fairness Doctrine. What is its current status? The doctrine required broadcasters to inform audiences about controversial issues of public importance in the station’s license areas and to present contrasting viewpoints about the issues in their overall programming. It is currently rescinded.Mehr 20, 1391 AP

What is required of broadcast stations under the equal time rule quizlet?

-equal time rule: If a station sells time to one candidate for office, it must be willing to sell equal time to opposing candidates. required broadcasters to give time to opposing views if they broadcast a program giving one side of a controversial issue.

What is the Fairness Doctrine quizlet?

Fairness Doctrine. A regulation of the FCC that required radio and television stations to devote some airtime to a balanced discussion of public issues and that was abolished in 1988.

What is the current status of the Fairness Doctrine which deals with broadcasters responsibility to present both sides of a controversial issue quizlet?

What is the current status of the fairness doctrine, which deals with broadcasters’ responsibility to present both sides of a controversial issue? Question options: It was abolished by the FCC in 1987 but is still followed voluntarily by most broadcasters. It is still in effect and is followed by most broadcasters.

What happened when the Federal Communications Commission abolished the Fairness Doctrine in 1987 quizlet?

What happened when the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) abolished the Fairness Doctrine in 1987? Radio stations no longer had to show both sides of a topic and conservatives quickly outpaced liberals.

What did the 1996 Telecommunications Act do?

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 is the first major overhaul of telecommunications law in almost 62 years. The goal of this new law is to let anyone enter any communications business — to let any communications business compete in any market against any other.Khordad 30, 1392 AP