What does a few too many mean?

What does a few too many mean?

If you say that someone has had a few too many or has had a few, you mean that they have drunk too many alcoholic drinks. [informal] A Breathalyzer tells you you’ve a had a few too many.

How do you know when to use to and too?

To is a preposition with several meanings, including “toward” and “until.” Too is an adverb that can mean “excessively” or “also.” Just to be clear: two is pronounced the same as to and too, but it can’t be used instead of either of them because it’s a number.

Which is correct to much or too much?

Trick to Remember the Difference If you are using this phrase to mean excessive or excessively, you should always choose too much. It is the only correct version of the phrase. To much is an error based on a misinterpretation of the homophones to and too in spoken English.

What is correct me to or me too?

In standard English, “me” is an object pronoun. So “me” is impeccably correct in cases where it’s the implied object of an elliptical (or incomplete) sentence like “Me too.” For example, if we say, “She invited us to the party,” and you respond, “Me too,” you’re using “me” correctly.

What is the difference between too much and a lot of?

Basically, they have similar meanings, but if you put them on a scale of increasing intensity, “many” = “a lot” = a large amount of; “too much” = a large amount of (which is more than enough). The decision on when to use each quantifier depends on the noun- whether the noun is a countable or uncountale noun.

Which is correct you to or you too?

These two homonyms (words that sound alike or are spelt the same but have a different meaning) are often confused. “Too” usually means “also.” “You to… “ is incorrect. There should be a verb after “you” and “to” should begin a prepositional phrase.

What to say to thank you for your service?

How to Respond to ‘Thanks for Your Service’ in an Email, DM, or Text

  • “You’re welcome.” This may seem like a really simple response, but it’s worth mentioning.
  • “It was my privilege to serve.”
  • “Thank you for all you do.”
  • “No thanks are necessary, but I appreciate the sentiment.”

How do you respond to thank you for being flexible?

Better Ways to Say, “Thank You for Understanding”

  1. Thanks for your comprehension.
  2. I appreciate your flexibility.
  3. I appreciate you sticking with me.
  4. Thanks for listening.
  5. Thanks for your compassion.
  6. I’m thankful for your support and understanding.
  7. I appreciate your dedication to digging into this issue.

How do you respond to no problem?

From their perspective, saying “no problem” means that whatever they’re thanking someone for was in fact a problem, but the other person did it anyway as a personal favor. To them “You’re welcome” is the standard polite response.