What does a semicolon mean on your wrist?

What does a semicolon mean on your wrist?

“A semicolon is used when an author could’ve chosen to end their sentence, but chose not to. The author is you, and the sentence is your life,” explains Project Semicolon’s website. Semicolon tattoos are everywhere: on wrists, behind ears, above ankle bones, and more.

What does a semicolon mean in mental health?

A semicolon is a pause in a sentence, not the end of one. The non-profit encourages people to draw (or tattoo) semicolons on their bodies as a way to represent and support those dealing with mental illness or loss of someone from suicide.

What does IGY6 stand for?

IGY6 stands for I Got Your Six (six o’clock, means back). The colors also carry a meaning. Teal is for PTSD awareness, black is for the heavy hearts that many of us carry, those who suffer from PTSD and those who have lost loved ones to suicide because of PTSD.

How do you use semicolons in a sentence?

Semicolons Separate Clauses Here’s an example: I have a big test tomorrow; I can’t go out tonight. The two clauses in that sentence are separated by a semicolon and could be sentences on their own if you put a period between them instead: I have a big test tomorrow.

How do you list things?

Format for Lists

  1. Use a colon to introduce the list items only if a complete sentence precedes the list.
  2. Use both opening and closing parentheses on the list item numbers or letters: (a) item, (b) item, etc.
  3. Use either regular Arabic numbers or lowercase letters within the parentheses, but use them consistently.

Can you use multiple semicolons in a sentence?

Generally, no. It serves the same structural function as a period, but indicates a relationship between the two independent clauses. That kind of falls to pieces if you start stringing them together. If if you’ve got two semicolons, just make one a period.

Can two colons be used in one sentence?

Colons have a number of functions in a sentence. If you use colons in your writing, use them sparingly, and never use a colon more than once in any sentence. Rule 1: Colons can be used to introduce a list, BUT they must follow a complete sentence (independent clause).

What are the three semicolon rules?

Three Essential Semicolon Rules

  • Rule 1: Use a semicolon between independent clauses that are closely related in theme.
  • Rule 2: Use a semicolon before conjunctive adverbs and transitional phrases that join independent clauses.

Can you use and twice in one sentence?

“And” can only be used once in a sentence to connect big ideas. “And” can be used two times in a sentence when making a list of things. Just like too many bridges, too many “ands” make a sentence hard to follow.

How many ands can you use in a sentence?

You can certainly use more than one and in a sentence, and the rhetorical device is called polysyndeton. At school today, we had sums and writing and play and dinner and a story and a prayer and then I came home. Good writing style usually advocates a variety of sentence lengths. Some can be very short.

Can and be used to start a sentence?

It’s perfectly acceptable to begin a sentence with “And,” as well as the other words that we are often taught to avoid such as “but” or “or.” Writing samples tracing back to the 9th century, including Bible translations, break these “sacred” rules, which stem from attempts to curb school children from stringing too …

How do you use and in writing?

In writing either and or or is usually adequate. If a greater distinction is needed, another phrasing is available : X or Y, or both. It is more common in technical,business,and legal writing. There is no correct way; it depends on what style guide you are using.

Can I use and/or in a sentence?

Please do not use “and/or” in either formal or informal writing. In common English, the “or” is a “non-exclusive or” which means “either A or B, or A and B”. When I say “I can have a banana OR I can have coffee” then I am also OK with having both. Having a banana does not prevent me from having coffee.

How do you use and in a sentence?

The word and is a conjunction, and when a conjunction joins two independent clauses, you should use a comma with it. The proper place for the comma is before the conjunction. On Monday we’ll see the Eiffel Tower, and on Tuesday we’ll visit the Louvre.