What does Consolded mean?

What does Consolded mean?

adjective. brought together into a single whole. having become solid, firm, or coherent. Accounting. taking into account the combined information gathered from the financial conditions of a parent corporation and its subsidiaries: a consolidated balance sheet.

What does earnestly mean?

: in an earnest and serious manner : not lightly, casually, or flippantly speaking earnestly asking earnestly for forgiveness providing the relief that they had earnestly hoped for She spoke so earnestly, with such emotion in her voice, that Omakayas was always to remember that moment …—

Does contend mean agree?

To contend is to believe something is a fact or to deal with a challenge. An example of contend is when you argue that the sky is green. An example of contend is when you have to deal with a broken leg before going on a trip. To hold to be a fact; assert.

What is another word for contend?

SYNONYMS FOR contend 1 wrestle, grapple, battle, fight. 3 argue, wrangle. 4 hold, claim.

What is contend in law?

to put an idea forward as an assertion, position, or an argument. “We contend that the defendant acted in bad faith.”

How do you use contend?

Contend sentence example. The new governor had great difficulties to contend with. The system of having one canal overlapping another has one difficulty to contend with. Her foreign policy was as consistent as it could be considering the forces she had to contend against.

What does God contended mean?

The dictionary defines “contend” as to strive in contest or rivalry, to struggle against difficulties or opposition, to argue (like in a debate). The Bible tells us there are certain things we should contend for—fight for, struggle against spiritual opposition to obtain. Our faith is one of them.

What is another word for harried?

What is another word for harried?

vexed annoyed
irritated exasperated
bothered upset
aggravated irked
angry nettled

What is another word for Stressed?

Stressed Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for stressed?

anxious tense
stressed-out under pressure
shell-shocked strung out
on the rack nervous
uptight agitated

What is another word for promptness?

What is another word for promptness?

punctuality speed
readiness alacrity
expedition expeditiousness
haste immediacy
rapidity speediness

Are harried and calmed synonyms or antonyms?

Calm adjective – Free from storms or physical disturbance. Harried is an antonym for calm.

What are synonyms for appalled?

other words for appalled

  • alarm.
  • amaze.
  • astound.
  • awe.
  • daunt.
  • disconcert.
  • dishearten.
  • dismay.

What is a synonym for Askew?

askew(ad.) Synonyms: awry, aside, askance, aslant, asquint, to one side.

How do you use harried in a sentence?

Harried sentence example

  1. Sofia gave Pierre a harried look, and Jule chuckled.
  2. No wonder she had felt so harried for the last few months.
  3. The airport was coping with the fog no better than the harried commuters.
  4. Gabriel gave her a harried look, one that said his patience was at an end.
  5. She gave him a harried look.

What is a person’s bailiwick?

a person’s area of skill, knowledge, authority, or work: to confine suggestions to one’s own bailiwick.