What does defendant committed mean in Maryland?

What does defendant committed mean in Maryland?

It means he’s been committed to jail.

What does T241 R to a mean?

If so, “T241” is likely a code for a particular judge. “R to A” is likely a code that means your court case file was transferred from one person/department to…

What does Md mean in court?

Middle District

Is Rogue a bad word?

Rogue has the following two common meanings according to The Free Dictionary: An unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person; a scoundrel or rascal.

What is a modern rogue?

Modern Rogue is a direct successor to Hacking the System, which lasted for two specials and one full season on cable television.

What’s another word for rogue?

SYNONYMS FOR rogue 1 villain, trickster, swindler, cheat, mountebank, quack.

What’s another word for rebel?

Rebel Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for rebel?

insurgent revolutionary
mutineer revolutionist
insurrectionary agitator
anarchist guerrilla
insurrectionist traitor

Which word is opposite of rogue?

Antonyms of ROGUE just, straightforward, conscientious, honest, upright, honorable, decent, ethical, forthright, aboveboard, straight, scrupulous.

What is the opposite of a rogue?

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms rogue. Antonyms: true-penny, gentleman. Synonyms: vagabond, scamp, rascal, villain, cheat, swindler, sharper.

What does rogue status mean?

Rogue Status is a status reserved for Division agents who have disavowed the rules of SHD. These agents must be hunted down, and either killed or apprehended according to the degree of their crimes.

How do you use rogue in a sentence?

Rogue in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Before Eric turned his life around, he was a rogue who robbed convenience stores.
  2. Everyone assumed the rogue talked a female guard into helping him escape from prison.
  3. Although the rogue was engaged to be married, he found it easy to flirt with other women.