What does no longer viable mean?

What does no longer viable mean?

: not viable : not capable of living, growing, developing, or functioning successfully nonviable cells a nonviable solution … states that adopted the insurance reforms into law might find their markets nonviable without the federal subsidies and mandates.—

What is the opposite of viable?

Antonyms: impossible, dead. Synonyms: workable, practicable, operable, feasible, executable.

What does viable solution mean?

a : capable of being done or used : workable. a viable solution to the problem.

What is viable option?

1 capable of becoming actual, useful, etc.; practicable. a viable proposition. 2 (of seeds, eggs, etc.) capable of normal growth and development. 3 (of a fetus) having reached a stage of development at which further development can occur independently of the mother.

When can a project be deemed viable?

A project is economically viable if the economic benefits of the project exceed its economic costs, when analyzed for society as a whole. The economic costs of the project are not the same as its financial costs—externalities and environmental impacts should be considered.

How do you know if a company is viable?

Business viability looks at a business’ long-term survival and profitability. Creating a viable business means having a good marketing strategy and keeping a close eye on your financials. Viability is different from solvency and liquidity. Solvency means having enough assets to cover your liabilities.

How can I be economically viable?

The main method for assessment of economic viability of a project is a Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA). Costs and benefits are expressed as far as possible in monetary terms so that they can be compared on an equal level. A project is assessed as economically viable if the project benefits exceed the project costs.

What is the difference between feasibility and viability?

‘Feasibility’ is the study of the profitability, strengths, and weaknesses of an existing business or proposed venture while ‘viability’ is the study of the existing or proposed business’s profitability. ‘Viability’ deals with strategies on how to make the business grow and succeed.

Which is the most important desirability feasibility or viability?

Desirability, Feasibility, Viability. Here’s how to think about it; in order to run a successful business, we have to create something that is Desirable (people want it), Feasible (we can actually do it) and it has to be Viable (we don’t go broke).

What is viability in design thinking?

The end goal of a Design Thinking work process is to create a solution that is desirable, feasible, and viable. This means that your product or solution should not only satisfy the needs of a user but be easy to implement and have a commercial model as well.

What is a viability test for the heart?

Purpose. Positron emission tomography (PET) viability imaging is used to assess how much heart muscle has been damaged by a heart attack or heart disease. This test is used to determine whether a patient may need angiography, cardiac bypass surgery, heart transplant or other procedures.

What is a viability ultrasound?

This is an ultrasound examination that is usually carried out vaginally at 6-10 weeks of pregnancy. The aims of this scan are to determine the number of embryos present and whether the pregnancy is progressing normally inside the uterus.

What is seed viability testing?

What is viability testing. Seed or plant viability is the measure of how many seeds or how much plant material in a lot are alive and could develop into plants that will reproduce under appropriate field conditions.

What is non viable myocardium?

Accurate identification of patients likely to benefit from interventions such as coronary revascularization requires the differentiation of viable (reversibly dysfunctional) myocardium from nonviable (persistently dysfunctional) tissue.

What is a MRI cardiac myocardial viability?

As opposed to nuclear methods, viability assessment by MRI is a nonstress examination that provides high-resolution detail, including functional assessment of the left ventricle in approximately 30 minutes. Assessment of myocardial viability is performed using 5- to 20-minute delayed, gadolinium-enhanced MRI.

What is the myocardium?

Myocardium is the muscular center layer of the heart between the outer layer (epicardium) and the inner layer (endocardium).

What is hibernating myocardium?

The term “hibernating myocardium” refers to the presence of persistently impaired LV function at rest, due to a reduced coronary blood flow that can be partially or completely restored to normal after revascularization.

What is cardiac Remodelling?

Cardiac remodeling is defined as a group of molecular, cellular and interstitial changes that manifest clinically as changes in size, mass, geometry and function of the heart after injury. The process results in poor prognosis because of its association with ventricular dysfunction and malignant arrhythmias.

What is Cardiac stunning?

Cardiac stunning refers to different dysfunctional levels occurring after an episode of acute ischemia, despite blood flow is near normal or normal. The phenomenon was initially identified in animal models, where it has been very well characterized.

How long does it take for stunned myocardium to recover?

In stunned myocardium, contractile function improved significantly at 3 months, without further improvement at 14 months; 61% of the stunned segments improved at 3 months, and 9% improved at 14 months.

What is stunned disease?

Stunned myocardium is a condition of transient left ventricular dysfunction following an ischemic event to the myocardium. It occurs if coronary blood flow was impaired for a brief period of time (5 to 15 minutes).

What is the difference between stunned and hibernating myocardium?

Hibernating myocardium is ischemic myocardium supplied by a narrowed coronary artery in which ischemic cells remain viable but contraction is chronically depressed. Stunned myocardium returns to normal after a prolonged period of time (hours to weeks).

How does ischemic preconditioning work?

Ischemic preconditioning (IPC) is an experimental technique for producing resistance to the loss of blood supply, and thus oxygen, to tissues of many types. In the heart, IPC is an intrinsic process whereby repeated short episodes of ischaemia protect the myocardium against a subsequent ischaemic insult.

What is ischemic Postconditioning?

Ischemic postconditioning, which refers to a series of brief ischemia and reperfusion cycles applied immediately at the site of the ischemic organ after reperfusion, results in reduced infarction in both cerebral and myocardial ischemia.

What does preconditioning mean?

verb. preconditioned; preconditioning; preconditions. Definition of precondition (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. : to put in a proper or desired condition or frame of mind especially in preparation.

What does Ischaemic mean?

Ischemia is a condition in which the blood flow (and thus oxygen) is restricted or reduced in a part of the body. Cardiac ischemia is the name for decreased blood flow and oxygen to the heart muscle.