What does remainder mean?

What does remainder mean?

Remainder means something which is ‘left over’ or ‘remaining’. This 1 is the remainder. When one number cannot divide another number completely, it le get a remainder.

How do you show remainder?

Once you have the answer in decimal form, subtract the whole number, then multiply the decimal value that’s left by the divisor of your original problem. The result is your remainder.

How does a remainder work?

In arithmetic, the remainder is the integer “left over” after dividing one integer by another to produce an integer quotient (integer division). In algebra of polynomials, the remainder is the polynomial “left over” after dividing one polynomial by another.

When we get remainder it is called?

When we get remainder it is called imperfect division.

What happen if the remainder is zero?

When the remainder is zero, both the quotient and divisor are factors of the dividend. When the remainder is not zero, neither the quotient nor the divisor are factors of the dividend.

When a number is divided by 7 remainder is always?

Description Divisibility Rules – 7 A number is divisible by 7 if it has a remainder of zero when divided by 7. Examples of numbers which are divisible by 7 are 28, 42, 56, 63, and 98.

When a number is divided by 7 the largest remainder can be?


When a number is divided by 7 what is the remainder of 4?

Here we can notice that if a number divided by 7 leaves a remainder of 4, it means that if we sum 3 to it it becomes divisible by 7. The same holds for the division by 4: since the remainder is 1 when dividing by 4, if we sum 3, we get a number divisible by 4.

What is the quotient of a number and 3?

ten less the quotient of a number and 3 is 6. help needed with equation!

What is the quotient of 30 and 3?


What is the quotient in math terms?

: the number obtained by dividing one number by another Dividing 10 by 5 gives a quotient of 2. quotient.

How do you work out 75 divided by 5?

Using a calculator, if you typed in 75 divided by 5, you’d get 15. You could also express 75/5 as a mixed fraction: 15 0/5.