What does subtle beauty mean?

What does subtle beauty mean?

Subtle beauty is almost indefinable and makes a woman seem special; achieving it requires modesty and self-awareness. Those with subtle beauty don’t scream for attention, but instead are happy with who they are without having to manipulate others through using their physical beauty to feel that way.

What is an example of subtle?

The definition of something that is subtle is an indirect or very small distinction when comparing two things or ideas. An example of subtle is adding a new spice to a recipe resulting in a very small change in the dish’s flavor. Operating in a hidden, usually injurious way; insidious. A subtle poison.

Who is a subtle person?

A subtle person cleverly uses indirect methods to achieve something. I even began to exploit him in subtle ways. He is a subtle character, you know. Synonyms: crafty, cunning, sly, designing More Synonyms of subtle. subtly adverb [ADVERB with verb]

How do you become subtle?

7 Subtle Conversation Habits of Powerful People

  1. They have something worth saying. First, they almost always seem to have something worth saying.
  2. They aren’t afraid of silence.
  3. They don’t dominate the conversation.
  4. They don’t argue.
  5. They avoid buzzwords, clichs, and euphemisms.
  6. They use simple words.
  7. They have varied, dynamic intonation.

Is being subtle a good thing?

Subtle is sometimes used to describe something which is overly clever, and therefore wrong or misleading. But this semi-ironic usage of the word is itself pretty subtle (heh), and depends heavily on context. In any case, this doesn’t sound like the word you want for your context. Subtle is neutral.

What does very subtle mean?

1a : delicate, elusive a subtle fragrance. b : difficult to understand or perceive : obscure subtle differences in sound. 2a : perceptive, refined a writer’s sharp and subtle moral sense. b : having or marked by keen insight and ability to penetrate deeply and thoroughly a subtle scholar.

What does not being subtle mean?

To be “not so subtle” is to be less subtle/inconspicuous/not obvious as something else, though what that something else is is often not actually stated.

What does a subtle soul mean?

difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyze. “his whole attitude had undergone a subtle change”; “a subtle difference”; “that elusive thing the soul” subtle(adj) able to make fine distinctions.

What’s another word for subtle?

In this page you can discover 80 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for subtle, like: obvious, exact, implied, keen, indirect, illusive, insinuated, sharp, nuance, inferred and definite.

How do you use the word subtle?

1) The room was painted a subtle shade of pink. 2) Her conversation sparkled with her own subtle blend of wit and charm. 3) She’s been dropping subtle hints about what she’d like as a present. 4) The pictures are similar, but there are subtle differences between them.

What Does subtle change mean?

1 not immediately obvious or comprehensible. 2 difficult to detect or analyse, often through being delicate or highly refined. a subtle scent. 3 showing or making or capable of showing or making fine distinctions of meaning. 4 marked by or requiring mental acuteness or ingenuity; discriminating.

What does subtle color mean?

A subtle flavour, colour, etc is delicate and not strong or bright.