What is a synonym for conflict?

What is a synonym for conflict?

other words for conflict

  • battle.
  • clash.
  • combat.
  • competition.
  • rivalry.
  • strife.
  • struggle.
  • war.

What is the definition of a conflict?

1 : fight, battle, war an armed conflict. 2a : competitive or opposing action of incompatibles : antagonistic state or action (as of divergent ideas, interests, or persons) a conflict of principles.

What is your own definition of conflict?

A conflict is a struggle between people which may be physical, or between conflicting ideas. The word comes from Latin conflingere Conflingere means to come together for a battle. Conflicts arise because there are needs, values or ideas that are seen to be different, and there is no means to reconcile the dispute.

What is conflict give example?

In literature, conflict is the problem or struggle that the protagonist must face. In Hamlet, Hamlet has a conflict with his uncle, whom he suspects of murdering his father in order to be king. Hamlet also has some internal conflict, as he struggles with his own feelings during the play.

What are the four types of external conflict?

External conflict can actually be categorized into four main types, which we’ll break down below.

  • #1: Character vs. Character.
  • #2: Character vs. Society.
  • #3: Character vs. Nature.
  • #4: Character vs. Technology.

What kind of conflict is poverty?

Poverty and conflict are widely understood to be closely interconnected; with poverty making countries more prone to civil war, and armed conflict weakening governance and economic performance, thus increasing the risk of conflict relapse (Goodhand 2001).

What is a example of internal conflict?

With internal conflicts, you might feel a clash between competing desires. For example, an alcoholic may struggle not to reach for the bottle of bourbon. That person knows they need to stop drinking, but the desire to drink is very strong, leading to an intense internal struggle.

How do you show internal conflict?

The only way internal conflict works as a story device for emotional arc is when the reader is aware of the conflict in the protagonist. The best way to show this to readers is to use subtext. This is a more advanced fiction writing tool, but if you can master subtext you’ll take your writing to another level.

What is another word for internal conflict?

What is another word for internal conflict?

cognitive dissonance strife
discord dissonance

What causes inner conflict?

However, our desire to remain attached to beliefs and ideologies that do not conform to our present realities causes inner conflict. If your perception changes, then everything else should, too. The consequences of inner conflict are rejection, fear, abandonment, loneliness, and more.

What might be other physical signs of internal conflict in a person?

What Are the Signs That Let You Know You’re in Conflict? Usually, you experience a vague awareness that something is wrong, a feeling of discomfort, stress or agitation. Often, you feel this discomfort in your body–in your stomach or chest.

Which of the following truly resolves inner conflict?

The answer is “overcoming obstacles”.