What is an act of injustice?

What is an act of injustice?

injustice, injury, wrong, grievance mean an act that inflicts undeserved hurt. injustice applies to any act that involves unfairness to another or violation of one’s rights. the injustices suffered by the lower classes injury applies in law specifically to an injustice for which one may sue to recover compensation.

Does injustice mean unfairness?

Unfairness can also be called injustice or inequality. This noun once had a completely different meaning, “ugliness,” because fair can also mean beautiful.

How is injustice different from unfairness?

As nouns the difference between injustice and unfairness is that injustice is absence of justice; unjustice while unfairness is (uncountable) the state of being unfair.

What are examples of injustice?

Three common examples of social injustice include: discrimination, ageism and homophobia.” According to Quora.com, “Social injustice issues would be things like unfair labor practices, racial discrimination, discrimination due to gender, orientation, ethnicity, age.

What is the same as injustice?

Some common synonyms of injustice are grievance, injury, and wrong.

How would you describe injustice?

Here are some adjectives for injustice: perpetual and familiar, dead, infinite, wrong or open, apparently flagrant, peaceful but universal, passionate and deliberate, reasonlessly cruel, outrageous, incredible, unchallenged social, flagrant literary, sovereign great, vast and deliberate, outrageous moral, impoverished.

What is another word for social injustice?

What is another word for social injustice?

discrimination social discrimination
social inequality social inequity

What word has the opposite meaning of injustice?

Antonyms: justness, justice. Synonyms: unjustness, darkness, manginess, sleaziness, inequity, seediness, dark, immorality, shabbiness, wickedness, evil, unfairness, iniquity. injustice, unjustness(noun)

What is the root word for injustice?

late 14c., from Old French injustice “unfairness, injustice” (14c.), from Latin iniustitia “unfairness, injustice,” from iniustus “unjust, wrongful, unreasonable, improper, oppressive,” from in- “not” (see in- (1)) + iustus “just” (see just (adj.)).

What is a antonym for justice?

justice. Antonyms: injustice, wrong, partiality, unfairness, unreasonableness, unlawfulness, inadequateness. Synonyms: equity, impartiality, fairness, right, reasonableness, propriety, uprightness, desert, integrity.

What do the following words mean agreeing indifferent injustice and respect?

Tolerance is not just agreeing with one another or remaining indifferent in the face of injustice, but rather showing respect for the essential humanity in each and every person.

What do you call someone who is indifferent?

Choose the Right Synonym for indifferent indifferent, unconcerned, incurious, aloof, detached, disinterested mean not showing or feeling interest.

How do you describe an indifferent person?

disinterested, diffident, impervious, haughty, impartial, callous, unsympathetic, uninvolved, unconcerned, nonchalant, neutral, distant, heartless, aloof, inattentive, uncaring, detached, apathetic, unresponsive, blasé

What does it mean to be indifferent to others feelings?


What is another word for I don’t care?

What is another word for I don’t care?

untroubled calm
unfazed casual
carefree unagitated
insouciant equal
unconcerned halcyon

Why do I never show emotion?

Lack of strong emotions can indicate emotional detachment or the presence of mental health or personality disorder. Emotional detachment is the avoidance of emotional connections. Being emotionally detached, often referred to as having a flat affect, involves the lack of positive or negative feelings or emotions.