What is an example of contraband?

What is an example of contraband?

Contraband is defined as goods that are against the law to trade or to be imported or exported, or goods that are smuggled or a slave during the Civil War who was behind the Union lines. An example of contraband was a slave during the Civil War who was smuggled behind or who fled behind the Union lines.

What is another word for contraband?

In this page you can discover 51 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for contraband, like: moonshining, narcotics, illegal, piracy, smuggling, bootleg, black market, illicit, forbidden, unauthorized and prohibited from import or export.

What are illegal goods called?

Contraband (from Medieval French contrebande “smuggling”) refers to any item that, relating to its nature, is illegal to be possessed or sold.

What is the opposite of contraband?

contraband. Antonyms: licit, uninterstated, free. Synonyms: illicit, interdicted, smuggled.

What do illegal mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) : not according to or authorized by law : unlawful, illicit also : not sanctioned by official rules (as of a game) illegal.

What’s the opposite of illegal?

illegal(adj) prohibited by law or by official or accepted rules. “an illegal chess move” Antonyms: juristic, legitimate, court-ordered, ratified, judicial, lawful, sub judice, legal, jural, licit, statutory, sanctioned.

What jobs are in high demand in California?

Occupation Title Employment Percent Change
Software Developers, Applications 134,200 40.1%
Personal Care Aides 622,000 39.9%
Nurse Practitioners 13,100 35.1%

Is it hard to find a teaching job in California?

One study found 80 percent of California school districts reported a shortage of qualified teachers for the 2017-18 school year. Nine out of 10 districts maintained that the shortage was worse than the previous school year. But the teacher shortage has hit California hardest in the special education realm.

How do I get a job out of state in California?

Below are strategies you can use to search, apply, and interview for jobs in another state.

  1. Check With Your Current Employer.
  2. Think Through Your Resume and Cover Letter.
  3. Pick Your Locations to Job Search.
  4. Let Your Network Know.
  5. Find a Recruiter in the New State.
  6. Search for Jobs.
  7. Schedule Interviews Carefully.