What is past of shine?

What is past of shine?

shine. When this verb is intransitive, it means “to give or make light”; the past tense is shone {the stars shone dimly}. When it is transitive, it means “to cause to shine”; the past tense is shined {the caterer shined the silver}.

What is the past tense of set up?

set up ​Definitions and Synonyms

present tense
he/she/it sets up
present participle setting up
past tense set up
past participle set up

What is the difference between set up and setup?

Setup is a noun that refers to an arrangement. Set up is a phrasal verb that refers to making preparations for something.

Was put or was putted?

As verbs the difference between put and putted is that put is to place something somewhere while putted is (putt).

What is the present of set?


presentⓘ present simple or simple present
you set
he, she, it sets
we set
you set

Is Cost present or past tense?

make verb forms

Infinitive Present Participle Past Tense
cost costing cost or costed

Is it correct to say costed?

Yes, it is, but only in a specific sense. When you talk about the price of something, the past tense is cost just like the present tense. However, cost can also mean “to estimate the cost of”, for example when budgeting for a business, and in that sense the past tense is indeed costed.

What is the past tense of Yes?


What does Yessed mean?

verb (used with object), yessed, yes·sing. to give an affirmative reply to; give assent or approval to.

What is the full form of yes?

YES Youth Employment Services Community — and more… Rate it:
YES Youth Educational Services Community » Educational Rate it:
YES Yamaha Education Suite Computing » Software Rate it:
YES Youth Employment Summit Community » Conferences Rate it:
YES Youth Enterprise Scheme Business » General Business Rate it:

What is another word for yes?

What is another word for yes?

yeah yep
OK ya
amen ay
aye correct
definitely okeydoke

How do you say yes in English slang?


  1. Yes.
  2. Ya.
  3. Yep.
  4. Yup.
  6. Totally.
  7. Totes.
  8. Sure.

Why is the K in knee silent?

Is the K in ‘knee’ pronounced anywhere? The K is pronounced in German word Knie, which is cognate to English knee. So if you go back far enough, the K was pronounced in English, or in the common ancestor of English and German. What caused the change from a pronounced T in the middle of a word to a glottal stop?

How do you say 0 in Spanish?

If you want to say “zero” in Spanish you would use “el cero”. It’s part of the 0-10 sequence you may already know: cero, uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez.

What is the British accent?

What people commonly describe as a “British accent” is actually called “received pronunciation”. This term describes “the standard accent of Standard English” and is generally spoken in the south of England.