What is remanded on bail?

What is remanded on bail?

If the court decides to put you on remand it means you will go to prison until your hearing at a magistrates’ court. the police think you may not go to your court hearing. the police think you may commit another crime while on bail. you have been given bail before and not stuck to the terms.

Which court can cancel bail?

The High Court or the Sessions Court can cancel bail even in cases where the order granting bail suffers from serious infirmities resulting in miscarriage of justice…

Can a bail be Cancelled?

Bail granted can be cancelled on the ground which has arisen after the bail was granted.:-It is generally presumed that at the time of hearing of the bail application, the prosecution has raised all possible grounds which could go against the accused in the matter of bail and, therefore, when once bail has been granted …

Can bail be Cancelled after charge sheet?

Filing of Charge Sheet by itself can’t be a ground for Cancellation of Bail: Supreme Court denies relief to Tax Defaulter [Read Order] The Supreme Court held that the filing of a charge sheet by itself cannot be a ground for cancellation of bail.

Who can file for cancellation of bail?

P.C. forms the backdrop of the application for cancellation of bail preferred by the IO/Complainant/Any Other Person who is threatened with the liberty so granted to the accused to the extent that it so interferes with the administration of justice, process of fair investigation. According to Section 439(1) of the Cr.

What is interim bail?

Interim bail- This type of bail is granted for a short period of time and it is granted before the hearing for the grant of regular bail or anticipatory bail. An application for the grant of anticipatory bail can be filed by the person who discerns that he may be arrested by the police for a non- bailable offence.

What is difference between interim bail and regular bail?

If a person apprehends that he might be arrested, he may apply for an Anticipatory Bail. Regular Bail is applied for by a person AFTER his arrest. Interim Bail is like a temporary bail which may be granted till the time your application for Anticipatory Bail or Regular Bail is pending before a Court.

How long can you stay on bail?

28 day limit on pre-charge bail The government has issued a 28-day police bail time limit, during which the police can carry out their enquiries under the Policing and Crime Act 2017. This means that if you are released on police bail, it should take no longer than a month for a decision to be made.

Do I need a solicitor to answer bail?

Yes, you need advice before charge because anything that you say at the time of charge is admissible evidence against you. You need to have the charges explained to you and you need a solicitor to represent you who knows about your case.