What is the opposite of depose?

What is the opposite of depose?

kick upstairs. Verb. ▲ Opposite of to overthrow or depose, especially someone or something powerful. elect.

How do you use depose in a sentence?

Depose in a Sentence 🔉

  1. A coalition of countries is trying to depose the island dictator.
  2. Working together the princes hope to depose their father and assume power.
  3. The king sent soldiers to locate the rebels who sought to depose him from his rule.

What does it mean to be deposed in a court case?

To make a deposition; to give evidence in the shape of a deposition; to make statements that are written down and sworn to; to give testimony that is reduced to writing by a duly qualified officer and sworn to by the deponent. In ancient usage, to testify as a witness; to give evidence under oath. …

What does depose mean on porcelain?

1900: Déposé is the French word for “registered.” [they left out the accent marks.

What does depose mean on jewelry?

noun. The rights or patent granted for an exclusive jewelry design in France. If the reverse of a piece of jewelry is stamped “Depose”, it was made in France. The literal translation is “hand made.”

What is oven and craze proof?

Some pottery was marked with the term “oven proof” which was a mark that was introduced after 1930. The term “craze proof” which meant that the piece would resist forming that unsightly crackle pattern of damage from temperature and humidity changes. The country marks on pottery relate to historic events of the 1900s.

What does Foreign mean on pottery?

FOREIGN is the name on continental porcelain (made in Czech or Switzerland and other surrounding countries. The porcelain age would be more than 50 years old.

How do I know if my pottery is valuable?

A few factors to look out for when figuring out how to identify antique pottery are the weight of the piece, its translucency or resonance. It’s easier to figure out the body if the piece is chipped – simply run your finger along the fracture to identify how hard the grain is.

Is it safe to use dishes with cracked glaze?

Cracks in any dishes hold bacteria so they are always unsafe. Never use dishes with any cracks in them for food.

What causes dishes to craze?

Crazing is caused by the glaze being under too much tension. This tension occurs when the glaze contracts more than the clay body during cooling. Because glazes are a very thin coating, most will pull apart or craze under very little tension.

Are dishes with crazing safe to use?

Crazing on dinnerware pieces is never okay You may have heard it called crackling or even, heaven forbid, grazing. This is not the case for fine English dinnerware. Crazing diminishes the value of most pieces depending on the severity and rarity of pieces.

How do you remove crazing from dishes?

Use Oxygen Bleach Mix in the powder with hot water and stir thoroughly. Allow it to cool, and then place the dishes in the mixture and let them soak for a few hours. Check on the dishes after two hours to see if there is any progress. The stains should start to fade away.

Can you fix crazing?

Changing the clay body or firing temperature Others ways to correct crazing include changing to a different clay body that better fits the glaze, adding silica to the existing clay body, or increasing the firing temperature. In stoneware, the addition of silica sand to the clay body can help prevent crazing.

How does crazing happen?

Crazing is caused by the glaze being under too much tension. This tension occurs when the glaze contracts more than the body during cooling. Because glazes are a very thin coating, most will pull apart ar craze under very little tension. Crazing can make foodsafe glazes unsafe and ruin the look of a piece.

What does crazing look like?

Crazing is a term used to reference fine cracks that can be found in the glaze of pottery or china. Crazing can be present in varying degrees. Sometimes items may have a couple of crazing lines on one side and not the other, other times the crazing can look like a spider web and cover the entire item.

What is the difference between cracking and crazing?

As nouns the difference between crazing and crack is that crazing is a covering of fine cracks on a hard smooth surface such as a glazed object or car exterior while crack is (senseid)a thin and usually jagged space opened in a previously solid material.

Why are my acrylic pour cracking?

Cracking occurs in acrylic paint pours when the top layer of paint dries faster than the underlying layer. As the bottom layer dries, it pulls at the semi-hardened skin on top and when the force is too much, a crack is created. Newly formed cracks will continue to widen until the paint is fully dried.

Can you use water instead of pouring medium?

Water changes the consistency of acrylic paint but it also changes the pigment density of the paint. Water will also hinder the paint from properly adhering to the painting surface. A little bit of water can be used together with pouring medium but not instead of pouring medium.

How long does an acrylic pour take to dry?

24 hours

What to seal acrylic pours with?

Three brands of acrylic polymer varnish that I would recommend are: Golden Polymer Varnish, Liquitex Acrylic Polymer Varnish, and Lascaux UV Varnish. As you know, Golden is my favorite, but that doesn’t mean the other ones aren’t just as good.

What happens if you varnish an acrylic painting too soon?

If you varnish your painting too soon, before the acrylic paint has dried all the way through, the varnish may wind up cloudy due to the trapped moisture. I suggest a minimum wait time of one week, but some acrylic artists wait as much as 6 weeks, just to be sure the acrylic paint is fully dried through and through.