Who shot first in Star Wars?

Who shot first in Star Wars?

“Han shot first” refers to a controversial change made to a scene in the science fiction action film Star Wars (1977), in which Han Solo (Harrison Ford) is confronted by the bounty hunter Greedo (Paul Blake) in the Mos Eisley cantina. In the original version of the scene, Han shoots Greedo dead.

Is Greedo Anakin’s friend?

Greedo was not a childhood friend of Anakin’s. The Rodian in his group of friends was named W. Wald. There is a deleted scene in The Phantom Menace, however, where Anakin and Greedo get into a fight with one another when Greedo accuses him of cheating.

How much older is Padme?

Padmé was born in 46 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) and Anakin’s miraculous Force-created birth came in 41 BBY, so Padmé is five years older than him.

Who was Anakin’s best friend?

Kitster Chanchani Banai

How does Greedo die?

Greedo was shot dead by Han Solo Greedo challenged Solo at the Mos Eisley Cantina, where, threatening Solo with his gun, he demanded that he pay the money to Jabba or to Greedo himself; or hand over Solo’s legendary starship, the Millennium Falcon.

Is Boba Fett the Mandalorian?

Boba Fett was a Mandalorian warrior and bounty hunter of Clan Fett. He was the only unaltered clone of the famed Jango Fett, created in 32 BBY as unit A0050, one of the first of many Fett replicas designed to become part of the Grand Army of the Republic, and was raised as Jango’s son.

Did Greedo survive?

In the infamous scene where Han inarguably shot first, Greedo appears to die; Han fires and Greedo slumps over the table, obviously shot. To that, I say: “What about Maul’s lower half?” Maul was “obviously” dead, but he survived–with the help of the dark side, true, but Greedo is a Rodian.

Is Qui Gon a GREY Jedi?

Around 44 BBY, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn was thought of as a Gray Jedi by some members of the Order for his frequent opposition to their demands. One group of renegade Jedi described themselves as “gray” even though they held to the same views as the Jedi Council on the subject of the dark side.

Was Darth Revan a Mandalorian?

In that storyline, Revan was a Jedi who fought in the Mandalorian Wars between the Old Republic and Mandalorian tribes and was eventually turned to the dark side. As “Darth Revan” he terrorized the galaxy alongside his apprentice, Darth Malak.

Why is Revan’s lightsaber purple?

During this time, Revan wielded a single-bladed blue lightsaber with an alloy metal hilt as his primary saber. Some sources report that he also used a purple lightsaber to represent his independence from the dictates of the Jedi Council.