Why is mandatory reporting bad?

Why is mandatory reporting bad?

After an investigation, they can base a finding against a suspect on substantially less evidence than would be needed for a criminal conviction. Critics of the system say it is vulnerable to false accusations, which would only increase if more people were required to report their suspicions.

Can I sue a mandated reporter?

Unfortunately, legal immunity does not mean that the mandated reporter cannot or will not be sued for making the report, although such lawsuits are very rare. In more than 15 states (and the District of Columbia), there is a “presumption of good faith” for reports made by all persons, not just mandated reporters.

What are the mandated reporter categories?

California law designates USC employees with certain positions as “mandated reporters” (defined below and in Appendix A)….2. What must be reported (Penal Code §§ 11165.1, 11165.6, 11166(a))

  • Death.
  • Physical injury.
  • Sexual abuse.
  • Neglect.
  • Willful harm or injury.
  • Endangering of health.
  • Unlawful corporal punishment or injury.

How do I get my mandated reporter certificate?

The New York State Office of Children and Family Services now offers FREE 24/7 online Mandated Reporter Training in Child Abuse and Neglect/Maltreatment Identification. You can register anytime at www.nysmandatedreporter.org.

Does the mandated reporter certificate expire?

The general training for mandated reporters is now a required prerequisite for all of the profession-specific trainings. The general training does not need to be retaken when you renew your profession-specific training certificate in subsequent years.

What is a mandatory reporter certificate?

The Mandated Reporter Certificate is designed to help early childhood and school-age professionals understand their responsibilities as mandated reporters, who must report any suspicion of child maltreatment.

How often is mandated reporter training required in NY?

The “Child Abuse: New York Mandated Reporter Training” certificate is a one-time requirement for initial licensure. Once the course has been successfully completed, a permanent copy of the certificate would need to be maintained in the event of a license audit.

How long is infection control certification good for?

The NYS infection control certification is valid for a duration of four years. However, you need to provide proof of the certification for six years in the case that your license is audited as stated by NYS requirements.

Who is a mandated reporter in New York?

Certain professionals such as doctors, nurses, teachers, police officers, and child care center workers are mandated by New York State law to report suspected child abuse and neglect to the state hotline, the New York State Central Register (SCR).

What is the role of a mandated reporter quizlet?

What is the role of a mandated reporter? To report suspected incidents of child abuse or maltreatment/ neglect while acting in their professional capacity. It is a class A misdemeanor for a mandated reporter to willfully fail to report a case of suspected child abuse or maltreatment.

How many states have mandatory laws?

48 states

Can a mandated reporter make a report anonymously quizlet?

If the person suspected of or known to have abused a child is a colleague or supervisor of the mandated reporter, the report can be made anonymously.

Which of the following would indicate a child may be being neglected?

The following physical signs may indicate that a child is being neglected: Appearing hungry as though they may have gone without breakfast. Turning up to school without lunch or money for food. Repeated injuries caused by lack of supervision.

What is a mandatory reporter quizlet?

What is a mandated reporter? A person who is required to make a report of suspected child abuse. Anyone over the age of 18 who interact or come in contact with children. University law.

What are sentinel injuries in infants?

A sentinel injury was defined as a previous injury reported in the medical history that was suspicious for abuse because the infant could not cruise, or the explanation was implausible.

What is the Ten 4 bruising rule?

TEN-4, good buddy! The TEN-4 rule, or TEN-4 BCDR (body region and age based bruising clinical decision rule). Bruising on the torso, ears or neck in a child less than 4 years old or any bruising in an infant 4 months old or less, can be predictive of abuse.

Should verbal disclosures of abuse always be reported?

When deciding whether or not you have “reasonable suspicion”, it is important to remember that verbal disclosures of abuse should always be reported.

How does Canra protect mandated reporters?

CANRA states that all reports must be confidential, lists agencies and individuals to whom a report may be disclosed, and provides a criminal penalty for any violation of confidentiality. Section 11172 of CANRA provides for civil and criminal immunity to mandated reporters for the act of making the report.