In what countries is child marriage legal?

In what countries is child marriage legal?

Countries where child marriage occurs can be found in almost every region of the world – from Africa to the Middle East, Asia to Europe and the Americas. Child marriage is mostly prevalent in Africa and Asia, and particularly in Kenya, Sri Lanka, Nepal and India.

What did the Central African Republic used to be called?

Bokassa and the Central African Empire (1965–1979) President Bokassa declared himself President for Life in 1972 and named himself Emperor Bokassa I of the Central African Empire (as the country was renamed) on 4 December 1976.

Is child marriage legal in Pakistan?

The Act, after being amended by the 1961 Ordinance, states that, whoever being a male above 18 years of age, contracts a marriage with a girl child of less than 16 years, shall be punishable with simple imprisonment extending up to one month, or with fine extending up to Rs 1000, or with both.

Who is helping the Central African Republic?

Mercy Corps has worked in the Central African Republic (CAR) since 2007. It's one of the world's poorest countries and has been described by the United Nations High Commissioner as "the most neglected crisis in the world."