At what age can a child in Florida decide who they want to live with?

At what age can a child in Florida decide who they want to live with?


What is the maximum amount of child support in Florida?

For two children, it is $2,228 plus 7.5 percent. For three children, it is $2,795 plus 9.5 percent. For four children, it is $3,148 plus 11 percent. For five children, it is $3,432 plus 12 percent of the income, and for six children, it is $3,666 plus 12.5 percent of the income.

Can parents agree to no child support in Florida?

Stopping child support payments in Florida can be even more difficult, but it can be done. Some ways to do this include: An agreement between the parents: If both parents agree, child support payments can be waived or stopped. If a parent surrenders their parental rights they do not have to pay child support anymore.

Can back child support be forgiven in Florida?

There is no statute of limitations in the state of Florida for child support arrears. …

How do I get my child support waived back in Florida?

1. Try to come to an agreement that satisfies both parents. The parent in arrears might make an offer to pay a portion of the back support owed in exchange for the other parent agreeing to waive the remaining balance due.

What is included in child support in Florida?

Child support covers a child’s basic need for food, shelter and clothing. It also covers things like education, sports, activities, travel and fun. Each child support order in Florida must have a provision for the child’s health insurance too. The court will make sure a parent provides health insurance.