How much does it cost to file a divorce in Florida?

How much does it cost to file a divorce in Florida?

It costs $409.00 to file your petition but you may qualify for a payment plan if you are indigent. You can get all of the forms online on the Florida Courts website. In addition to asking for a divorce, you may also ask the court to change your name back to what it was before you were married.

Are online divorces reliable?

Again, online divorces are just as legitimate and just as good of an idea as filing in-person at the courthouse, if your state allows it.

Should I refinance my house before getting a divorce?

Option 1: Refinancing before filing for divorce (easiest) This is because, when you talk to your mortgage lender about refinancing, they will ask you your marital status. If you refinance before you file, you report that you’re still married, and then removing one of the spouses from the mortgage loan is much easier.

How is equity divided in a home when divorcing?

How is home equity divided in a divorce?Sell the house and split the proceeds.One ex-spouse keeps the home and refinances the mortgage to remove the other from the loan.Both former spouses keep the house temporarily.