Can child support arrears be forgiven in Georgia?

Can child support arrears be forgiven in Georgia?

In Georgia, child support arrearage cannot be waived or even dropped by the custodial parent. The debt will continue to exist long after the child has become an adult.

At what age do you stop paying child support in Georgia?


Does Georgia child support automatically terminate upon emancipation?

Child support may also end when the child becomes self-supporting or when he or she becomes emancipated. However, child support does not terminate automatically upon these happenings. Termination of child support when the child becomes emancipated or self-supporting must be specifically provided for in the decree.

Does child support automatically stop in Georgia?

In most instances, child support endures until the minor child for whom child support is being paid reaches the age of majority. However, in Georgia, child support does not automatically end at a child ™s 18th birthday. The parent ™s may, by agreement, provide that child support continue for a longer period.

Do you still pay child support if child drops out of school?

If a child leaves school before 18 years and starts working, that in itself is not a justification for child support ceasing.

What if child is not living with custodial parent?

Generally, a parent who does not have primary custody of his child will pay support to the parent who does. However, sometimes children spend more overnights with their noncustodial parent. This requires modification of the existing custody order to reflect the actual custody arrangement.

Does child support end if child moves out?

Child support is generally available for any child under the age of eighteen. In some circumstances, child support does not have to be paid for a child who is 16 or 17 if they have chosen to move out of the family home and no longer live by their parent’s rules.

Does going back to school affect child support?

The general rule is that a parent remains obligated to make reasonable choices that will not deprive his or her children of the support to which they are entitled. You made the choice to return to school and decrease your earnings, even though you are aware of your current child support obligation.

How is child support calculated with no income?

If you don’t have a source of income and cannot afford child support, you will still be required to make a monthly child support payment. If a parent does not have a source of income, the court may calculate income based on prior work history and/or the parent’s potential earning capacity.