Do I need a lawyer to file for divorce in Washington State?

Do I need a lawyer to file for divorce in Washington State?

Washington is a no-fault state meaning that it is unnecessary to prove to the court which spouse caused the divorce. To begin your Washington divorce action, you or your attorney must complete and file a petition for dissolution of marriage.

What is the fastest way to get a divorce in Washington State?

Here are the steps you’ll need to take in Washington:

  1. Establish Jurisdiction and Venue. Start by determining which county you can petition for divorce in and find the local courthouse in that county.
  2. Petition for Dissolution of Marriage.
  3. Serve the Summons.
  4. Mediation/Support.
  5. Settlement.

What documents do I need to file for divorce in Washington State?

Forms you will need in this packet:

  • Petition for Divorce – FL Divorce 201.
  • Summons – FL Divorce 200.
  • Confidential Information – Form FL All Family 001.
  • Notice re Military Dependent – FL All Family 103.
  • Proof of Personal Service – FL All Family 101.

Can you file for divorce online in Washington state?

Washington Divorce Online allows you to complete your official Washington State Petition for Dissolution (Divorce) of Marriage online. You may then print and file your divorce petition with the court. In most cases you can choose to complete your divorce without a court appearance.

How long do you have to be separated before divorce in Washington State?

six months

How much spousal support should I get Washington State?

Most judges award maintenance lasting 20-33% of the length of the marriage, and the monthly amount tapers with time. For example, the judge might award $2,000 for 2 years, and then decrease that amount by $200 every six months until maintenance ends.

Is it illegal to cheat on your spouse in Washington state?

Adultery has no bearing on a divorce in Washington State. Cheating doesn’t matter because Washington State is a “no-fault” state, which means that either party can file for divorce without providing proof of a particular cause, such as adultery.

Is Washington state a 50/50 divorce state?

In the state of Washington, all property in a divorce is subject to division. That being said, your property will likely not be divided 50/50 in a divorce. Instead, Washington divorces focus on “equitable” division—that is, a division that is fair and just, not necessarily equal.

Who gets the house in a divorce in Washington State?

Courts usually award each spouse his or her separate property and divide community property 50/50. Consequently, if the house is entirely one spouse’s separate property, he or she almost always receives it unless the parties agree otherwise.

How is alimony calculated in WA state?

Specifically, to determine the amount of alimony, a spousal support award should be calculated by taking 30% of the payor’s gross income minus 20% of the payee’s gross income.

Do I pay alimony if she cheated?

In this state, a dependent spouse can have a one night stand or a full-blown affair and it will not reduce or eliminate their ability to receive alimony. California is a no-fault divorce state, which means unhappy spouses can get divorced simply because they don’t want to be in the marriage anymore.

How is child support calculated in WA?

We work out each parent’s income percentage by dividing each income by the combined total. We calculate each parent’s percentage of care. We work out each parent’s cost percentage using the Care and Cost table. If it’s a positive percentage, we assess that parent as the parent to pay child support.

Is there a cap on child support in Washington state?

The minimum amount of support is $50 per month. The maximum is 45% of a parent’s net income, unless there is some good reason – such as substantial wealth – for that percentage to increase.

At what age can a child decide which parent to live with in Washington state?


Does Washington State favor mothers in custody?

Overall, only 2.4% of cases went to trial or involved contested hearings. In these instances, 74.4% of the time, mothers received majority custody. In less than 10% of cases (9.3%), mothers and fathers received equal time with their children.

What can I do if my wife won’t let me see my child?

If you already have a custody agreement in place, then your spouse must abide by the agreement. If you do not have a custody order or parenting plan in place and your spouse won’t let you see your kids, you need to go to court and get a custody agreement.