What is a high conflict divorce?

What is a high conflict divorce?

A high conflict divorce is where marriage ends and war begins. Children are frequently unwittingly used as pawns in this high stakes, emotionally bloody demolition. Those statements may differ entirely from what the child believes, but in order to avoid extended conflict, the child goes out of her way to avoid it.

What percentage of divorces are high conflict?

30 percent

How do you deal with high conflict in a divorce?

5 Tips for Divorcing a High-Conflict Personality.Minimize Contact. High-conflict personalities thrive off of battle. Keep Your Feelings to Yourself. High-conflict personalities are bullies. Plan for the Worst. Never Admit a Mistake. Stop Trying to Co-Parent.

Who Cheat most in a relationship?

In general, men are more likely than women to cheat: 20% of men and 13% of women reported that they’ve had sex with someone other than their spouse while married, according to data from the recent General Social Survey(GSS). However, as the figure above indicates, this gender gap varies by age.