Are the enclave the good guys?

Are the enclave the good guys?

No, they are not the good guys. Maybe if you ignore the straight up Evil McBadguy things they do there could be an interesting (by Fallout 3 writing standards) argument as to whether they’re ultimately an okay option for the Capital Wasteland, but as it stands, nope.10-iyn, 2017

Can I join Brotherhood of Steel and Minutemen?

2 Answers. You can join all the factions without issues. You have to make a decision later, but not yet at this point. At some point the quests you get will impact other factions, at that point you’ll have to be a bit careful.

What happens if you don’t join the Minutemen?

Normally you’re so busy opening new settlements and doing quests for current settlements, you’ve got no time to build up the settlements you do have. Without the Minutemen, you open them up at your own pace – hell, you don’t even have to open Sanctuary if you don’t want to. You just don’t “search” the workshop.12-mar, 2016

Can you ignore the Minutemen?

Can you Skip the Minutemen and Still Use Settlements? Simply never go to Concord, and you can completely skip the Minutemen and Preston Garvey’s quests for a very long time if not forever. The only one you likely need the Minutemen for is The Castle.

Do Minutemen quests ever end?

They never end, that is kind of the point; always something to do. Someone mentioned talking to Preston, and right before he tells you the next assignment; turn around and walk away. That may stop the quests, hopefully there will be a mod that will disable/curtail them.

Can you build settlements without Minutemen?

Almost every friendly-NPC settlement will let you join up with them without Minutemen membership on your part; you walk in, their gaffer gives you a Radiant quest, and once it’s completed you can use their workshop.

Can you complete Nuka world without Preston hating?

No. You cannot be attacking commonwealth settlements without Preston hating you. You can progress down the raider friendship route for a while, but once you head into the commonwealth for the purpose of raiding you will have lost him. If Preston already hates you then he will always hate you.22-fev, 2019

What is the largest settlement in Fallout 4?

Spectacle Island

What happens if you kill overseer Barstow?

Killing Overseer Barstow will not reward the Sole Survivor with the legendary vault suit. When the player character kills Overseer Barstow, they become the new vault overseer, thus acquiring the Oversight trophy. Killing her while she leaves the vault at the end of the experiments will make all of the settlers hostile.

Can settlers steal your power armor?

Settlers CAN still steal armor even if it’s on a rack. Settlers CAN still steal armor even if it has no core in it. I had to talk to him to get him to get out of the armor, then trade with him to get my cores back. After a while, settlers will get out of the armor on their own and just leave them lying around.17-noy, 2015

Can settlers die on supply lines?

Your settlers at home can die. Note that once a ‘settler’ has been assigned to a supply route, they will be a ‘provisioner’ the next time they are loaded. Provisioners who are away from a settlement can’t die. The can get knocked down for a few seconds like other essential NPCs, but they get right back up.

Do settlers use ammo?

[Settlers] don’t consume ammunition provided they have at least one unit of the correct ammunition for their weapon. The same holds true with grenades. The only exceptions are the missile launcher or Fat Man, as these are tagged with “NPCs Consume Ammo”. Try giving a settler a minigun and a 5mm round. =)1-iyn, 2016

Do settlers use fusion cores?

Settlers do. Neither will drain it. Small caveat here: in previous patches, you could hand a gattling laser to your companion with 1 fusion core and it would never run out. In the current patch, they do consume the cores if they’re shooting from them, although power armor cores still work the same as they did before.7-sen, 2016

Do settlers steal from you Fallout 4?

They can’t take things out of containers, but if you leave weapons and armor lying around they may pick them up during a raider attack. They will also get into power armor if it has a core in it, so be sure to always take your cores out, because there is no way to get them out of Power armor. Wrong.12-avg, 2019

Do companions run out of ammo?

Active follower companions will use their own weapon (the ones in the list below) and will never run out of ammo (since they use the “magical companion ammo” that, as their own gun, does not show up on their inventory when on the trade screen).

Do companions have infinite ammo?

The companions do not need ammo for their default weapon. They only need one piece of ammo for their equipped gun.25-sen, 2018

Do outer worlds companions use ammo?

Companions have infinite ammo use, and science weapons are straight up overpowered with effects alone. Give one of them the Gloop Gun and another the Prismatic Hammer while you use the Mind Control gun and watch the game just become a circus.19-apr, 2020