Can employers ask your age?

Can employers ask your age?

Companies Are Legally Allowed to Ask for a Job Applicant’s Date of Birth: However, they not allowed to discriminate against workers aged 40 and older based upon their age.

Can HR give out my birthday?

Answer. There’s no law against it, but some employees may feel that announcing their birthday violates their privacy. Many offices have a birthday celebration each month and announce the employees who have birthdays during that month without mention of their exact birthday.

Do I need to tell my employer where I am going?

It’s normal for people to ask, but there are many occasions when you’d rather not tell. The most important thing to remember is that it’s always OK not to tell people where you’re headed. It’s your business, and you can keep it to yourself for any reason you like.

What do you say when your boss asks why you’re leaving?

A short explanation of why you are resigning — When explaining why you are quitting your job, it’s OK to keep things general and say something like, “I am leaving to accept a position at another company.” You don’t have to go into more detail than you are comfortable with, even if your manager presses you for …

When should you resign?

There are two times when you should consider resigning even if you don’t have another job line up: When you believe something illegal or unethical is going on at work and you are concerned it will reflect badly on you. When your current job is negatively affecting your health and your life outside of work.

What to say when quitting a job you hate?

Keep it brief. One way to keep the conversation positive is to be general and brief about your reason for leaving. You can simply say you are leaving for “personal reasons” or another general reason. You don’t want to lie because a hiring manager might ask the employer to verify why you left, so keep it a little vague.

Should you quit your job if you are unhappy?

If you find yourself in a situation in which it is emotionally, physically, or mentally draining (or worse) for you even to show up to work, let alone get excited and perform at a high level—you need to leave.

Can you giving a one week notice instead of two?

When you resign from a job, it is considered standard to give your employer two weeks’ notice before you depart from your position. Anything less than that, whether it’s one week’s notice, a couple of days’ notice, or leaving right away, is considered short notice.

Can I resign with immediate effect?

You can accept the employee resigning with immediate effect (UK only, of course—this may vary across other countries). Essentially, this means the staff member leaves immediately. If they don’t then turn up, the employee resigning from work with immediate effect will breach their contract of employment.