Can I ask HR to extend the joining date?

Can I ask HR to extend the joining date?

Many congratulations for new job, it is very common to ask for extend joining date to new employer. Just call to HR and tell them your current situation but be careful ask them before a week of joining. Otherwise they may find someone else for the same position they have recruited you.

How do I ask HR to postpone the joining date?

Talk to the HR on phone first. Tell them you want to join one week late because of some personal reasons and priorities. Ask them if it would be okay to join a week later. Discuss with them.

How do you ask for joining process?

Write a letter to an HR, stating that it was really great to attend and clear the interview of XYZ prestigious company. Thank her or him for the hospitality shown that day. Then generously ask that by when you will come to know about the date of joining. Say thanks again.

How do I inform the date of joining a new company?

I am ready to join the “company name”” date of join” , I accept the offer. I look forward to starting my position and, once again, I’d like to thank you for this great opportunity.

What is date of joining?

On official documents this is usually recorded as ‘date of employment’ or ‘start date’, rather then ‘date joined’. So the question would be, ‘what was your date of employment?’ or in a less formal way. ‘when did you start?’ You could also ask, ‘what date did you join the company?’

How do you ask for an appointment letter?

Dear (insert boss name here), I am writing to request a meeting appointment with you at your earliest convenience. I would like to discuss (insert issues here). I know you are very busy, but I would very much appreciate you taking the time to meet with me.

How do you ask for an appointment?

Asking for an appointment I would like to arrange an appointment to discuss…. Please would you indicate a suitable time and place to meet? Would it be possible to meet on (date) at your / our offices to discuss…? Can we meet (up) to talk about…?

How do I write an email to an embassy appointment?


  1. Be straight to the point and ask for an appointment.
  2. You may mention a bit of what the appointment is going to be about.
  3. Include the details of the appointment.
  4. End on a positive note.

How do you ask for something ready?

Just be polite and ask if they had got around to it yet. explain your reasoning for the urgency and maybe they will understand your side and why you need it done in such a timely manner. Don’t be blunt like hey did you do this that sounds like you have an attitude .

How do you ask for something without being annoying?

  1. Rule 1: Be Overly Polite and Humble. That seems obvious enough, but a lot of people take it personally when they don’t hear back from someone right away.
  2. Rule 2: Persistent Doesn’t Mean Every Day.
  3. Rule 3: Directly Ask if You Should Stop Reaching Out.
  4. Rule 4: Stand Out in a Good Way.
  5. Rule 5: Change it Up.

How do you follow up with clients without looking desperate?

How to Follow Up With Clients Without Looking Desperate

  1. Step 1: Silence the self-sabotage. For example, let’s say you email a new editor and pitch your fabulous idea.
  2. Step 2: Send a short reminder.
  3. Step 3: Stay on top of what you want.
  4. Step 4: Know the best time to follow-up.
  5. Step 5: Don’t forget the details.

How do you follow up on a job application without being annoying?

Here’s how to follow up on a job application or resume:

  1. Use your connections.
  2. Get the hiring manager’s contact details.
  3. Write a follow-up email directly to the hiring manager.
  4. 4. Make a phone call.
  5. Don’t get creepy.
  6. Keep job seeking.

How do you ask if you’re annoying?

  1. It can be appropriate to ask someone if you are annoying them.
  2. If you are worried that you are annoying someone, but that person is not giving you any indication that you are annoying them, you can usually say something like, “I’m sorry I have so many questions about this, I apologize if I’m becoming annoying.”