Can I lie about my income on a rental application?

Can I lie about my income on a rental application?

Sure. You can lie about anything. If you lie and try to use someone else’s income and credit information; you will be found out and likely won’t get the rental. When you complete a rental application your Social Security number is requested.

Is 40% too much for rent?

A common rule of thumb is to spend no more than 25% of your gross income on rent, or no more than 30% on rent + other house-related expenses like: Water/sewage. Trash. Utilities.

Is 1500 too much for rent?

You may have heard of the general rule of thumb here, which is that 30% of your monthly income should go to rent. If you make $5,000 a month at your job, that’s $1,500 that you can afford to spend in housing costs.

Is living in an expensive apartment worth it?

Most apartment leases are for an extended term, like six months, a year, two years, or even longer. But if you’re only planning on living for a short period of time, a luxury apartment could be worth the money. The bottom-line costs will be lower, and you’ll be more comfortable during your temporary stay in a city.

Is living in an apartment a waste of money?

Anyone can waste money by making bad spending decisions and relying too much on credit. But on its own, renting is actually a smart and flexible financial choice! When you rent an apartment, it’s best to think of it as simply exchanging money for a place to live.

Should I move for cheaper rent?

If you’re considering relocating to a smaller city, town, suburb, or a less expensive neighborhood, you’re likely considering the benefits. And these advantages are nothing to scoff at, either: Paying less for rent means more money for necessities, entertainment, savings and retirement.

Is living downtown worth it?

So, is the downtown life worth it? You might be poor; you might be tired and you might be claustrophobic, but yes, it’s totally worth it. The slight inconveniences of the lifestyle are nothing in comparison to the feeling you get when you come home every day to the heart of your city.

What downtown means?

central business district