Can I live off 30k a year?

Can I live off 30k a year?

It’s quite possible to live well on $30,000 per year if you’re debt-free, but what if you have debt? I would recommend trying to pay it off as quickly as possible with the debt snowball approach. Cut your expenses as much as you can and put the amount you save toward debt each month.

Can I live in NYC on 40k a year?

Yes you can, you won’t live the life of luxury and you won’t be living on the island, but you can work and live in the five boroughs of NYC on that salary. My first job wasn’t much more than 40k and it was hourly non salary pay without benefits.

What salary do I need to live in NYC?

To live a comfortable and satisfying lifestyle in New York, even when you have roommates splitting the cost, a yearly income of $50,000 or more is ideal.

Is it cheaper to live in Paris or New York?

New York is 113.0% more expensive than Paris. New York housing costs are 330.3% more expensive than Paris housing costs. Health related expenses are 13.4% more in New York.

What salary do you need to live in Paris?

So all that amounts to a salary of 1500 euros minimum, it just covers basic needs. If you also wanted to be able to buy slightly more expensive things from time to time, you’d need around 2000 at least to be more confortable. Rent in Paris is around 700 for a studio.

Is Paris safer than New York?

But you’re much less likely to get shot, violently assaulted, murdered, or raped in Paris than in NYC. Petty crime, burglary, pickpockets and scammers are more of a concern in Paris than someone assaulting you or intruding onto your personal safety.

What is a good salary in Paris?

This statistic shows the opinion of employees working in Paris area on what level of salary per month allows a good living in the French capital in 2019. It appears that a majority of respondents, 33 percent of them, declared that a monthly salary between 3,000 and 4,999 was a salary allowing a good living in Paris.

Is it rude to tip in Paris?

It is polite to tip your waiter/waitress. However, bills in France include a service charge, and any extra is discretionary. That being said, if you have a relatively simple meal with minimal or no service then tipping in Paris is subjective. You decide if you’d like to leave change behind or not.

How much money do you need to live comfortably in France?

Housing in France You would need around €850 to €1000 a month to live comfortably in the city centre (as a single person and excluding rental costs). Living comfortably in Nantes or Marseille would only cost you roughly €600 to €700 a month.

Is 60000 euros a good salary in Paris?

TL;DR: But yes, it’s a good salary to live in Paris. Let me elaborate: You’re own your own, you make 60.000€ gross a year, you’ll get 3.800€ net per month. In Paris the usual ratio is around one third for rental: if you target a 1.000-1