Can I pray while lying in bed?

Can I pray while lying in bed?

Yes, we can pray lying down. The only issue that matters is having a great connection with God. God doesn’t require us to pray in any specific posture or position because prayer comes from thought.

How do you say Jesus Prayer in Greek?

Greek: Kyrie Iesou Christe, Yie tou Theou, Eleison me ton amartalon. Amen. Greek Pronunciation: KEE-REE-AY EE-SOO KHREE-STAY, YAY TOO THAY-OO, EH-LAY-EE-SOHN MEH TOHN AH-MAR-TAH-LOHN.

What does the phrase in Jesus name mean?

The names of God in scripture reveal God’s character. The name “Jesus” means “God saves” and “Christ” means “anointed one.”

What did Jesus say in the Garden of Gethsemane?

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus utters his agonizing prayer, “Abba, Father, for you all things are possible; remove this cup from me; yet, not what I want, but what you want.”

Who was Jesus talking to in the garden?

The gospels of Matthew and Mark identify this place of prayer as Gethsemane. Jesus was accompanied by three Apostles: Peter, John and James, whom he asked to stay awake and pray.

Why did Jesus sweat blood during his agony in the garden?

Jesus now having been encouraged, used that strength delivered by God’s holy messenger to pray all the more earnestly, so much so that he began to sweat great drops of blood upon the ground.

Where is the Garden of Gethsemane today?

Gethsemane, garden across the Kidron Valley on the Mount of Olives (Hebrew Har ha-Zetim), a mile-long ridge paralleling the eastern part of Jerusalem, where Jesus is said to have prayed on the night of his arrest before his Crucifixion.

Is the Mount of Olives the same as the Garden of Gethsemane?

Despite its name, the Mount of Olives is more of a hill across the valley from the Old City. Partway down the hill towards the Old City lies the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed with his disciples right before he was handed over to the guards for his crucifixion.

What is the name of the place where Jesus was crucified?


Is the Garden of Gethsemane still there?

There are four locations, all of them at or near the western foot of the Mount of Olives, officially claimed by different denominations to be the place where Jesus prayed on the night he was betrayed. The location near the Tomb of the Virgin Mary to the north.

Did Jesus really sweat blood?

Jesus Christ experienced hematohidrosis while praying in the garden of Gethsemane before his crucification as mentioned in the Defenders Bible by Physician Luke as “and being in anguish he prayed more earnestly and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.”

Why did Jesus go to Gethsemane?

Jesus allowed himself to be arrested and demanded that the violence stop. The disciples were so afraid and shocked at what had happened that they all ran away. The events at the Garden of Gethsemane offer support and comfort to Christians today when they are going through difficult times in their lives.

Was Jesus tomb in the garden of Gethsemane?

John also specifies that Jesus’ tomb was located in a garden (John 19:41); consequently, an ancient wine press and cistern have been cited as evidence that the area had once been a garden, and the somewhat isolated tomb adjacent to the cistern has become identified as the Garden Tomb of Jesus.

Where is the tomb of Jesus?


What is Golgotha called today?

Calvary, also known as Golgotha or the place of the skull, is believed to have been located outside of Jerusalem.

Can you visit the place where Jesus was crucified?

Church of the Holy Sepulchre This church in the Christian Quarter of the Old City is where Christ was crucified, buried and resurrected. This is one of the most venerated sites in Christendom, and a major pilgrimage destination.