Can I take AR tests at home?

Can I take AR tests at home?

Due to the coronavirus and students working from home, we are providing students with access to the Accelerated Reading program outside of school. This will enable students to read books and take quizzes from the comfort of home.

How many AR points is Harry Potter 3?


What books are worth the most AR points?

List of Books with the most A.R. Points!!!

  • Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke / 16 A.R. points.
  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone by J.K. Rowling/ 12 A.R. points.
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling/14 A.R. points.
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling/ 18 A.R. points.

How many AR points is the Half Blood Prince?


How many AR points is Diary of a Wimpy Kid?


How many AR points is the Chamber of Secrets?

AR Level 6

Title Author Point Value
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Rowling, J.K. 14.0
Diary of a Young Girl, The Frank, Anne 14.0
Dark is Rising, The Cooper, Susan 15.0
Antarctica Lerangis, Peter 15.0

How many AR points is the Bible?

118 Accelerated Reader points

Who has the most AR points in the world?

Leo Tolstoy

What do AR points mean?

Accelerated Reader Points

How many AR points is the hate you give?


How many AR points is 5 feet apart?

ATOS Book Level: 5.2
Interest Level: Middle Grades (MG 4-8)
AR Points: 6.0
Word Count: 40355

What is a Z+ reading level?

Follett reading levels are based on the actual difficulty of the words, grammar, sentence structure, etc., used in a book. Fountas & Pinnell have expanded their reading levels to include Z+, which indicates a readability level of 9+ and would typically apply to a high school or adult title.

Is the hate you give book appropriate for 12 year olds?

This book is important for adults and middle/older teens to read. It is emotional and difficult to read at times. Strong language, drug references, violence. I would recommend an adult reading this at the same time as a younger teen to allow for conversations.

Why is the hate you give banned?

In late 2017, The Hate U Give was banned by school officials in Katy, Texas, where it was challenged for “inappropriate language.” District Superintendent Lance Hindt pulled the book from shelves during the review process in violation of the district’s own review policies, claiming he did so based on its “pervasive …

Why is The Hate U Give a banned book?

The American Library Association listed the book as one of the ten most-challenged books of 2017 and 2018, “because it was considered ‘pervasively vulgar’ and because of drug use, profanity, and offensive language”.

Does the Hate U Give have bad words?

Powerful story of police shooting of unarmed Black teen. Searing docu decries racial bias; intense violence, cursing.

What does the hate you give little infants fu * C * ks Everybody mean?

And what people don’t realize is that it actually stood for, the hate U give little infants effs everybody And he explained that as meaning that what society feeds into youth has a way of coming back and affecting us all.

What is the code name for King lords?

Gray Boys.” The code name for King Lords. Damn. “I heard what happened at y’all school,” Daddy says.

Why did seven and Starr want to be slytherins?

She notices the Slytherin blanket on Seven’s bed and notes that they all wanted to be Slytherins when they were little because they associated the Harry Potter house with being rich—which, when you are living in the projects, she says, is “the best thing anybody can be.” Starr also notices the black trash bag of …

Why are Starr and Uncle Carlos so close?

Starr is very close to Uncle Carlos and sees him as a father figure, but her father (Maverick) thinks that his brother-in-law should not be a role model for his children, as he is constantly trying to teach them to assimilate to white culture instead of teaching them to embrace their identity and individuality.

How much did DeVante steal from King Lord?

DeVante reveals that King wanted him to kill the men who shot Dalvin, which would only lead to Garden Disciples coming after him. As such, DeVante stole $5,000 from King in order to get his mother and sister out of town.

Why is Starr afraid to talk about out to Khalil?

Starr is the only witness to Khalil’s killing. While she wants the police officer to face justice, she’s afraid to speak out. Without giving too much away, she has good reasons for wanting to hold back. But Starr’s father doesn’t accept her silence — he raised his children to fight to be heard.